Chapter 23

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"And i will come near to you to judgement; and i will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the Lord of hosts."

-Malachi 3:5.

I spend the better part of the rest of the night trying not to think about him, about our kiss. Then I start getting worked up.

How dare he? How dare he keep showing up? How dare he kiss me? Distract me?

I channel the energy into throwing bursts of flames into the air, which with no clear targets fizzles out in the night air. When that no longer satisfies my anger, I feel around the earth and play around with, and manipulate vines, discovering my limits with them and pushing past them.

Depleted, I head back to the camp, enter the tent my family is sleeping in, and lay down on a couple of blankets Bekah must have laid out for me beside her, and fall promptly asleep.

Depleted, I head back to the camp, enter the tent my family is sleeping in, and lay down on a couple of blankets Bekah must have laid out for me beside her, and fall promptly asleep

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The next morning, there's a hum of awareness in the air as the tents are deflated and packed up. A nervous energy floating around as people say goodbyes to their friends and loved ones, for what might be the final time.

Everyone seems a little agitated, the knowledge that not everyone going with me to the Leviathans compound will make it back lends a sombre air to the atmosphere.

I'm squished in a hug between dad and Bekah when the camp is all packed up.

"Stay safe Bee. Come back to us." Dad whispers in my hair, placing a soft kiss on the crown of my head.

"I will. Promise me you will take it easy. You will rest and allow your wounds to heal. Promise me." I demand.

"Sweetheart, I promise."
Bekah sniffles, her hold on me tightening a little. "I thought about it again last night. I should come with you. Dad is in great hands with Miles, there's nothing more for me to do with him. I can help you."

I shake my head smiling a little as I run a hand through her yellow locks. "No Bekah. I'll only worry about you which will distract me. I need to know that you and dad are safe. That's the only way I can go through with this." She sniffles again, nodding against my shoulder. My eyes sting and I blink rapidly refusing to cry.

"Bee, we're ready to move." Zoey calls out.

I nod. "Give me a minute." I extract myself from the hug and look at my family. I give them a reassuring smile. "See you in three days."


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