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kim namjoon began his morning at sunset, just like every other night.

this routine had gained him the title of 'town vampire', a term which he never cared for but never interacted with any of the townspeople enough to pay much attention to.

he grabbed his work clothing, dark brown overalls covered in soot and dirt, a dark flannel shirt, and brown leather boots. he made a mental note to get new laces from the town cobbler. he also adorned his neck with a crucifix, once belonging to the beautiful collarbones of his late mother.

namjoon swept up his small cottage, clearing out cobwebs as well as dusting his cupboards. for his breakfast (or dinner, really) he made a small salad from vegetables in his fields. cucumber, carrots, lettuce...as well as some beef a friend of his passing through town had gifted him.

after consuming his meal, he grabbed his shovel and lantern as the stars started to light up the sky like little jewels. stepping out of his house, he stared up into it, the dark abyss that blanketed his cottage and the fields around him.

he was always fascinated with the stars, and specifically taught himself to read so he can understand his father's old books on astrology.

ursa minor. hercules. orion. he listed in his head. cepheus. cassiopeia. he hummed in satisfaction. then, he picked up his shovel and his lantern, whistling as he walked down the dirt path to the church a half mile down.

namjoon didn't consider himself a man of god for the most part. he worked for the church, did one of the filthiest jobs they could ask of him, but his relationship with it didn't go much farther. the crucifix he wore only shared heart with the memory of his mother.

the closest he got to his own spirituality was his ability to speak to the permanent residents of the graves he kept to.

namjoon was able to talk to the dead.

he discovered this ability as a very young boy, when his mother died from scarlet fever. three feet away from her body with his father clutching his shoulders, he watched her spirit rise out of her flesh, begging him to take her crucifix to remember her by, before she slowly faded away.

namjoon was whipped by his father for begging him to believe the sight he saw. three times with a large stick across his behind. his father was angry out of his own grief, and took it out on the poor boy. but namjoon didn't care in that moment, as he had just discovered a new gift.

"good evening, namjoon," one of the churchmen greeted the gravedigger as he approached. namjoon was fond of this churchman, who went by the name of park jimin. park jimin was up to his neck in riches, as many of the men who frequented the church with their wives and children were, but remained impressively humble.

jimin wore a simple black suit, with coattails and a matching bowler hat. he fastened his buttons as he came down the stairs. "wooyoung just delivered some bodies from the town today. awful smallpox breakout once again. claimed a woman's life as well as three children." he sighed, looking over at the stone graves that littered the backyard of the white steeple.

namjoon winced. burying children's bodies were always the worst. children's ghosts usually were frightened and confused, crying their eyes out as namjoon covered their tiny coffins. but this was his job. so he stood up straight and nodded.
"it's awful, sir, but i'll do my job to give them a secure resting place." he said gently.

jimin smiled softly at that. "god bless you, namjoon. stay safe tonight."
namjoon nodded, and watched jimin disappear into a carriage across the street. the coachman snapped the reigns as the doors closed, and the two brown horses in front started to roam back to town.

namjoon went around the back, and was met with the dozens of souls that occupied the place.

the foggy apparitions of people talking, dancing, children running through the fields chasing ghost animals brought the entirety of the land to life.
some spotted namjoon as well, waving at him.

since his time in the small village, the ghosts have all become accustomed to namjoon's ability. some were overjoyed to talk to a being of the living world, to keep up with current events and ask about his life.
others entirely disliked it though, some found it almost taunting how we would waltz in and communicate, feeling he didn't respect his privilege of a beating heart.

nevertheless, namjoon always remained friendly to the ghosts, even being close friends with some.
"sir namjoon!" two ladies dressed in delicate white outfits of the 16th century flagged him down, gracefully gliding through the grass to see him.

"hello irene, hello wendy," namjoon smiled. "do you know where the new arrivals are?"
"yes, sir," irene said, pointing to four coffins by the back porch of the church. "the new arrivals are very anxious though. i do not think they realize they are among the deceased."
namjoon nodded. "i'll be gentle."

he walked over to the four coffins stacked by the wooden porch. he ran his hand over the furnished wood, sighing at how small the coffin was. suddenly, he heard sniffing from behind the coffins, and peaked over.

three young boys, and a woman were clutching each other, softly crying with each other.
"hello, miss," namjoon said softly.
the woman darted her head up, bewildered. "wh-who are you?"

"my name is kim namjoon, i'm here to bury yours and your family's bodies." he replied.
"god," she gritted her teeth. "we really are dead. i thought i was going mad, seeing spirits prance around the graves, look down at myself in
that-" she pointed to the largest coffin. "-damned box."

"i'm sorry, miss. you were very loved, these coffins are top of the line. they'll keep your body comfortable and safe." he smiled sadly at her.
she stood and nodded, holding her children's hands, who looked and namjoon curiously.

"then i suppose...it's time for us to move on. no point in dwelling." she wiped her eyes quickly. "thank you, kim namjoon."

and without saying much less, the woman and her children drifted away into the wind.

some ghosts are able to pass on quickly, if they don't have anything to hold onto or unfinished business. some of the ghosts namjoon knew were vengeful, some were sad, waiting for lovers or family to die, and some just weren't ready. they had no desire to cross.

namjoon buried the coffins in the open plots, listening to a sailor talk about his death from scurvy. he finished just as day begun to break forth in the west, sending the stars scattering like rats.

"thank you for keeping me company, captain." namjoon smiled at the ghost, who was puffing on a pipe and rocking back and forth on the grave he was perched on.
"anytime, lad," the captain smiled. "dawn be breaking, ye better get yer hide back to yer cottage."

"why's that?" namjoon asked, picking up his lantern.
"sum'n strange be happenin' round 'ere. ghosts disappearin' into the mornin's first light who i knew ain't ready to move on yet." he puffed a hazy cloud. "dunno what it is but would hate to have a livin' human find out."

namjoon's brows furrowed. "i'll get on back then. thank you for the warning, sir."
the ghost captain nodded and faded into his grave, disappearing as sunrise streamed through the trees.

namjoon gathered his equipment and slid his hair back with his hand before fitting on his hat.
he decided to take a shortcut through the back forest to get to town, to make sure he got some new laces for his boots before going back to sleep.

the forest had already begun to spring to life with birds chirping and trees whispering, their thistles and leaves greeted each other in the wind as namjoon entered the edge of the lush biome.

the birds sound so lovely. was that a woodpecker? i'd love to see a woodpecker with my own- namjoon's thoughts were cut short as a
large rock caught his foot, sending him sprawling.
he groaned and rolled over to glare at this rock before standing up, spitting on it in frustration.

as namjoon took off once again, he failed to see the hazy head that peeked out from beneath the rock, watching him walk off into the day.

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a/n: new namjin story! this is going to be a little different than other works, but i'm excited to see where it takes me. hope you guys enjoy :)

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