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namjoon was rudely awoken to a rock on his window, maybe around 3 in the afternoon. pebble after pebble thudded against the thin panes that lined the wooden hole near his bed.

he flung his thin sheep-hide blanket off himself, marching over to the window to throw it open and peer out.
yet another pebble sailed right into his head, thunking him in the forehead.

he yelped in pain and surprise, stumbling back. he held his hand to his forehead as he looked out again, to see dirt outside fly out of the way as if someone was running.

because someone is running. namjoon scrambled around the cottage to find his jacket and boots.
ghosts never come out during the day. they're there, but invisible. they don't like the day much either, it's too bright for them and people are all about. so if someone had left the graveyard to come down to namjoon, something had to be seriously wrong.

namjoon ran out of his house, slipping slightly as his foot skidded in the dirt, and took off at full speed towards the graveyard. but as he got to the church, he slowed down seeing the people stream out, all in white lace bonnets and pristine suits.

damn. sunday.

namjoon slowed to a walk, smoothing down his hair. he was in very simple clothing, and watched as people gave him snide glances.
"what are you awake so early for, namjoon?"

namjoon was once again met with the smiling, charming face of park jimin. he was in a white suit this time, his wife clutching his arm with his two sons trailing behind him.
"apologies, sir, i awoke early and went for a walk, as to just waste time." namjoon said apologetically, eyes darting behind the church.

"you really should come to a service sometime, namjoon. it is important we all get closer to god, especially as a person who-" he cast a look at the graveyard. "-gets so close to some of the darkest parts of humanity."
namjoon nodded, plastering a fake smile upon himself. "i would, sir, but i don't even make it back to my cottage by the time day breaks."

jimin chuckled lightly. "a man does need his sleep. oh-" he pulled a small pouch from his jacket pocket, holding it out to namjoon. "your pay, a couple days early, for some amenities."
he looked down at namjoon's shoelaces.

namjoon's eyes widened. "thank you, sir, that's awful generous. i'll get to work early today since i'm up."
"thank you, namjoon. there's two new deliveries, one man one woman. housefire." jimin said. "i have some work to do for planning new installments to the church, so i should be back later, after supper."

namjoon nodded, and watched jimin's family go into their carriage. he never really appreciated how beautiful it was. a black ivory carriage with two black and white stallions to leave it, and a smoothed coachman.

the life riches will give you. namjoon sighed in his head. he didn't mind his status. he was never alone, or hungry, or cold. though, sometimes he dreamed about if he had led a normal life. a wife. kids. two boys? no, he would've definitely wanted a girl. a boy and a girl.

he snapped back to reality, shoving the pouch of coins into his shirt pocket and frantically running to the graveyard. he quickly made sure to check if any church stragglers were lingering, saying hi to loved ones or leaving flowers. no one. good.

"hello!" he yelled. "what's the matter? why is someone awake so early?"
"i'm sorry, namjoon-"
a small voice behind him made him leap three feet into the air.

"jungkook??" namjoon sputtered, seeing the faint ripple of the boy's apparition in the setting sun.

jungkook was a boy who had died with his brother, taehyung, after their father murdered them. they were twelve and fourteen, jungkook being younger. their father had horrible debt with the bank, and had decided to commit familicide with a pistol as well as turn it on himself. their mother discovered them after coming home from the town square.

their mother had lived down in the village as a widow until about five years ago, before pursuing a romance with a wealthy, handsome soldier and moving to the city.

jungkook and taehyung had wept for hours the day she left. ghosts never really tend to get emotional after they die, but jungkook and taehyung had always hoped she'd would join them in the graveyard. they were heartbroken.

"sorry!" squeaked jungkook. "i didn't mean to scare you. taehyung ran off again and i can't-"
"you checked all his hiding spots?" namjoon asked.
"yes, and-"
"behind the church's shed? i know he likes to mess with the tools-"

"namjoon!" jungkook stomped his foot. "he went into the forest this time. alone."
that was bad news.

ghosts can't die the normal 'mortal' anyway, anymore, however, if spooked enough will force themselves to pass over. most, if faced with death again, will just avoid the repeated trauma. and taehyung was already jumpy. so this could end badly.

"ah, piss." namjoon muttered, immediately running past the graveyard. "come on, jungkook, let's go get him!" he yelled over his shoulder.

the two dashed into the forest, gazing around and calling taehyung's name. the sun was setting faster and faster.
"why did you let him go in here by himself??" namjoon panted, bending over.

"i didn't mean to," jungkook kicked a rock, hovering in midair with his arms crossed. "he was lying about some ghost he found in the woods. claimed he found a rage spirit."

namjoon froze. rage spirits were a breed of spirit that stemmed from pure anger as they died. murder victims, executed criminals, anyone who was wronged in their passage of death. you never saw any near the church, as they were usually comforted by the other ghosts and quickly passed on, realizing their revenge was not the answer.

but, if there was one in an unmarked grave, walking around with free will, who knows what would happen.

"jungkook, how do you know he was lying?" namjoon asked, keeping his voice still.
"well, no one's seen a rage spirit in decades...and..." jungkook trailed off. "my god. you think he was telling the truth?"

just as namjoon opened his mouth, they both heard a shout of fear from behind them.
not thinking, he propelled his body off the ground, speeding into a full clearing.


before him, the ghost apparition of taehyung was being held by an unfamiliar spirit, arm wrapped around his throat. the ghost's film was completely red, like someone had poured blood into the air surrounding it.

shit. namjoon gulped. he wasn't lying.

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