Chapter 9

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I woke up to Darren waking me up

"Hey its time for breakfast" he said

"Oh what time is it" i asked

"7:35 am" he said

"I made your favorite food" he said

"I will be there" i said

"Okay i will wait" he said walking out

I grabbed my phone and i saw so many texts from Oliver


Oli<3: Hey
Oli<3: how are you
Oli<3: i just landed im tired
Oli<3: i really really miss you
Oli<3: please be safe always
Oli<3: please don't be sad


Oli<3: hey im glad your okay now

I decided to face time him

Face Time

"Hey how are you" i asked

"Im tired i need to rest" he said

"You should" i said

"We will talk tomorrow" i said

"But i wanted to talk to you right now" he said with his puppy eyes

"How could i say no to that" i say

"What made you go to Florida what did your mom say" i asked

"She just need help because she bought a new house and she need help of some things" he said

"Oh but where's your dad" i asked

He went silent and looked down

"Hey oli are you okay" i asked

"Yeah yeah i just you know" he said

"Did i say something wrong" i asked

"I-i my dad left us and she cheated on mom" he said about to cry

"Omg im so so so sorry please don't cry" i said

"Its okay, Im gonna go now ill talk to you later" he said

"Alright i miss you" i said

"I miss you too" he said

end call

I really feel bad for him

I shouldn't ask that question but I don't know it just came out of nowhere

I head downstairs to eat and go back to my room and just layed again to my bed

I just stared at the ceiling and thought about something

Im thinking of him

Im confused if when should i tell him i love him

When i should confess

If he will like me back

I just don't know so i got up again and head downstairs to talk to Darren

"Hey i need help with something" i said

"Tell me" he said

"I love him" i said

"Who" he asked

"Omg! I knew it you love Oliver" he screamed

"Shush" i said

"I just realized that when he left me" i said

"Its okay Reg" he said patting my back

"You should confess to him before its too late he will fall for someone else and you might regret it" he said

"I will but i don't know whens the right time" i said

"Don't stress it" he said getting up

I thought of everything he said Darren was right maybe i should tell him my feelings for him but i just don't know what's the right time

I decided to text Oliver


Me: hey
Me: how are you
Me: you didn't text me
Me: is something wrong
Me: Oli
Me: please talk to me
Me: i miss you

Why is he not texting me back i think he's busy


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