Chapter 8

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I stayed with oliver until we got to the airport

I don't want him to leave

I hold his hand and kissed it

"Be safe okay and call me if you need me" i said

"I will Reg" he said

We arrived and i was more sad than before i wanted to cry

"Your gonna be okay I'll see you soon" he said

It was time for him to go

"Im going now and be safe okay" he said

I nodded

He walked away

"Wait" i said

He turned around and i run up to him and give a big tight hug

"I will miss you so much" i said

"I will miss you too Reg" he said while wiping my tears

He then kissed my cheeks and walked away

I never felt so sad im my life like this sad ever

That's when i realized that i really love him and didn't want him to leave me

I went back to my house and saw Darren making food

"Hey i know your sad so i made you food" he said

"I will eat that later Dar" i said

"Okay" he said

"Thank you tho" i said

I head to my room and layed down on my bed and cry hard

I never thought i loved him this much that i will cry if he leaves

I just think about him and i didn't realize i fell asleep

Regie is really inlove but this is sad im crying while writing this


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