Chapter 6

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"What do you want to watch" He asked me while turning on the tv

We looked at each other and then smirked

"Paranormal" we synced

"Its not that even scary at all why do people hate it" he said

"Right" i said

"But before that Reg you need to help me prepare our snack" he said going to the kitchen

I followed him and saw him making dough for cookies

I stand behind him and looked at what his doing

"Do you want some chocolate chips in this" he asked

"Yeah sure" i said

I looked at him from behind and stared at him

He looked majestic

Making me fall for him even more

Even with flour on his face it he still looks beautiful

He then turned to face me and put flour on my face

He then run away from me and i was chasing him

"Come here" i said running

I finally caught him in my arms and he was laughing really hard

He was facing me and i was holding him in his waist

We're staring at each other and he smiled at me

Boy he was gorgeous

"Your so pretty" i said didn't know what im saying

"Thank you" he said

"You looked like your about to kiss me boy" he said

"Bet" i said

I leaned in and teased him

He quickly backed away and laughed awkwardly

"Relax i was just teasing you" i said while going back to the kitchen

But i really wanted to kiss him but i just can't so i played it off

We were now done making the cookies and put it on the oven

We sat in the couch watching the movie and it was awkward because none of us spoke

"Hey you okay" i finally spoke

"Yeah yeah" he said

"Are you sure your kinda pale" i said with a worried tone

"I'll get you some water" i said

And after getting the water i handed it to him

"Come here" i said while i sat back down

I put my arms around his waist and he gently put his head on my shoulder

"You okay now" i asked



"The cookies are done ill get them just stay there" i said getting up

I put the hot fresh cookies on the plate and walked back to Oli

"There you go" i said

"This smells good" he said

I grab one cookie and feed him

He took a bite

"Hmm this taste so good" he said

"Is it" i asked and then eat

"Yeah it is" i said

"Your cookies are so good Oli" i said

"Thank you i made it with love" he said

I blushed and smiled

We continued eating and watching until it finally done

"Im tired Reg" he said while snuggled up with me

"Let's go to your room" i said

I turned off the TV and carried Oliver to his room

I gently put him in the bed

"Im gonna go now and sleep well" i said

"No sleep with me" he said holding my hand


"Please Reg" he said while showing his cute puppy eyes

I give up and said sure

I was spooning him and he snuggled on my chest

It was cute

"Good night Reg" he said while his eyes closed

"Good night Oli" i said

"Today was fun and i hope we will do this more" i whispered to him


I'll post another chapter tomorrow!!

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