Chapter 10

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Its been a week and Oliver still didn't text me back

Im starting to get worried

I text him again but still he doesn't reply

Again my overthinking hits again

I just calmed my self and think that he's just busy

I head to Darren's room and talk to him

"Hey Dar" i said

"Oh hey what's up" he said

"Im very worried about Oli he's not replying to all my text" i said

"Wait what" he said

"I think he's just busy bro you know how moving house works its really busy and don't have time for something else" he said

" Your right" i said

"Just relax he will reply to you soon" he said

"Thanks bro your the best" i said

"That's what friends are for" he said

I just distract he's self and not stress too much

I went to a arcade and play some games

Suddenly a girl randomly came out of nowhere

"Hey" she said

"Hi" i said

"Your alone where's your friends" she asked

"Nah im just by myself" i said

"We could play together" she said

"Sure" i said

"Nicole by the way" she said

"Regie" i said

"So do you have a girlfriend" she asked

Here we go again

I hated this

"No" i said

"But im seeing someone right now" i added

"Oh well maybe we could hangout sometime" she said

"We could but im very busy this is only my free time" i said

I obviously lying i just don't want to hangout with someone else right now

"Oh okay but im gonna go now nice to meet you" she said

"Yeah" i said

Well that's was very very weird

I head to the park where me and Oli went

I opened my phone and I saw Oliver replied to my messages


Oli<3: hey im so sorry
Oli<3: im okay im just really busy
Oli<3: i hope your okay i miss you so much
Oli<3: take care of yourself always

Me: omg hey
Me: im so worried about you
Me: I miss you

Oli<3: Im so sorry i made you worry

Me: its okay im okay now

Oli<3: but i have something to tell you..

Me: what is it?

Oli<3: im not gonna come back my parents forced me

Oli<3: hey you there?
Oli<3: im so sorry Reg i just cant please understand me i will be here if you need me okay

Me: its okay im gonna go now i have something to do but i hope you will be okay there and have fun please don't forget about me we'll talk later

Oli<3: alright bye ttyl

I feel like someone stabbed me in the heart i wanted to cry

I went home with a heavy heart

Once i arrived i went up to my room and cry my eyes out

I guess i will not see him again

This is so sad wth


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