chapter 3

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I said goodbye to Steve and left to go to my car since Maria probably is gonna complain because of why I'm late but what I can not wait to hear is the endless conversation about me and Steve from here,gosh was it gonna be a day "Hey Maria sorry  I'm late again" I say as I unlock my car"its alright but okay I see you girl"maria said and smirked at me I knew exactly what she was saying,play dumb Natasha play dumb "what are you talking about"i asked Maria with a smile "you and rogers huh huh "she says as she puts her bag down "Hey he's okay I guess" I say "tell me what you think of one"maria asked me really exited "how about when we get to my house I'll tell you" I say,yes Maria stays with me on  weekdays but during the weekends she stay with her parents and so do i.

When we got to my house I unlocked the door  and we both went  straight to  change,well I perhaps not I took a shower then changed into a pair of sweat pants  and an oversized t-shirt"looking cozy"maria says as she comes down wearing a pair of shorts,and also and oversized t-shirt "I could say the same about you"i said and went into the kitchen"so now tell me why you think about him please"she asks me giving me the puppy eyes.

I can not stand anybody who does that I don't know why it's just to cute no matter who the person is"fine,her cute  hes really charming he makes my laugh he acts like a baby but it's so cute  he has this really adorable baby voice that I just can't stand oh and that hair of his gosh I wonder how soft it is  and his  baby blue eyes goodness I wish I could stare  in them all day "I said Maria just payed close attention to me before she spoke "well then Natasha romanoff,It looks like you are in love with a certain boy"she says "oh what no shut up,i just met him "i say in a playful tone as I elbow her arm carefully.

All I could think about was Natasha has beautifull red hair her mesmerizing green eyes I could get lost in them anytime she was the number one thing on my mind "mom I'm home"i say as I walk through the door "oh hey hun you look happier than ever"my mom says and I was I really was "Haha you can well"i laugh she looks at me and smiles "tell me what is it about "she asks in a playful tone "okay so there's this girl"i begin when I was cut off by my mom"ooo it involves a girl okay go on mom says "I bumped into her today and was really rude to her but we ended up being seatmates and partners I apologized to  her and she accepted my apologie I held her hand today her hands were really soft but when it was time to go I didn't want to say goodbye to her but she hugged me and it just felt"i said not knowing  what to say "right"my mom says "yes it felt so right "I say as if I'm repeating her words.

"Hun it's clear your in love with her"my mom says I go silent untill "maybe I am she's really beautifull but i just met her"i say "you wanna see a picture of her "i ask my mom "you have a picture of her"my mom asks me with wide eyes "of course here"i say as I get out my phone to show her the pictures "wow she really is a beauty  her looks like an angel"my mom says "she us an angel the best one ever "I say as I smile "hold on i know her from somewhere  what's her name again"my mom asks "Natasha,her name is Natasha "I say she looks shocked "that's right I do know her she's the  daughter of Ivan and Helen romanoff"my mom says I stare at her with wide eyes no way did she just say romanoff,the romanoff are one of the richest and nicest family  you could ever meet "natasha romanoff is her name I assume"my mom says "yes that's her name how do you know it's their daughter"i ask my mom.

"Well me and your father and good friends with her parents but before she was born Ivan announced that his wife was expecting a child so I assume they were rewarded with a beautifull baby girl by the name of Natasha"my mom said "wow "I say my mom tells me dinner is done in a few minutes before she gets up and leavs,I change into more comfier clothes and go take a short nap untill my mom wakes me up.

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