1 × Greetings ×

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Boots thumped along dirt and rocks as you ran, coat trailing behind you in the wind. 

Stealing a glance behind you, you cursed at the sight of masks. Coven masks. You'd been on the run from these guys for thirty minutes! Surely you weren't that wanted.

You ducked behind a tree and dove into some shrubbery. You placed a gloved hand to your mouth, trying hard to stay quiet despite how hard you were breathing.

"They can't have gone far, keep searching! Damn wild witches..."

You heard yourself whimper lightly. They were definitely gonna find you.

Wait. Or maybe...

Ducking down, you start to carefully crawl through the shrubbery. Boots and murmurs were heard but muffled by your heartbeat pounding in your ears.

After some crawling, and ruining your clothes, you finally make it out of the forest you were in. And luckily, you didn't see any guards around.

Great! Now onto the actual mission.

An artifact you'd read about was said to be located just outside of Bonesborough, and near Latissa.

Was that true?

Probably not.

But you'd rather be safe than sorry! You weren't in the mood for thieving from your usuals today. They had started getting actual security and you had to start getting crafty.

Glancing up at the sky, you started making your way to the supposed artifact hiding place.

According to the map in the book you hauled around, it wasn't super far from where you ended up.

After walking at least a mile, you stopped, leaning against a tree as you squinted at your map. "Well, huh. That's weird. I should've been there by now. And how come I never saw these landmarks??"

"Could it be because your books upside down?"

You jumped, the disembodied voice catching you off guard. "What the hell?" You muttered.

"Tsk tsk, another wild witch. You know, you witches are getting a little too common for comfort." You spun around, and came face to face with a large, shiny gold mask. You stumbled backwards, and took in the rest of the figures appearance. They were clearly a castle guard-- another little lackey to the Emperor.

"What? Shocked?" You could hear the smirk in their voice. And then you realized exactly who this was.

"The Golden Guard. Wonderful." You slam your book close and try not to wince over the fact that yes in fact your book was upside down. "So, I finally caught enough attention from your precious emperor that he had to send out his best and most loyal and treasured Golden Guard??"

"Yes, exactly!"

You huffed and rolled your eyes, reaching up to adjust your mask. "Well, tell your wonderful and dear emperor that is he wants me, he can come get me himself. Bye!" You dash forward, pulling the Golden Guards hood far over his masked face, covering the eye slit.

"Hey! Get back here!"

You laughed as you bolted back the way you came, although silently cursing yourself for failing to bring Owlbert on this particular quest. Eda was sure to give you an ear full for this later on.

You glanced back, your grin falling when you saw that damn golden mask closing in on you.

That damned Golden Guard had a staff! That cheater.

"Stop!" He growled out, a little less smug than before. "You're under arrest for crimes against the emperor!!"

"No thanks!" You yelped, and ducked as he reached for you. "I evaded you idiots this long, I'm not going down now! And certainly not to you!!"

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