1. It Began With Babysitting

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 1 - It Began with Babysitting - 14 Days 

I know what you're thinking. Why on Earth would any sane person babysit for a family who had seven kids...on their own? Answer: Katie Gardner is not sane...and the family was paying $25 an hour.

She needed the money okay?

She and her friend's have been planning for months a big summer trip to Hawaii, she was saving up all year to go. But, going to an incredibly beautiful, tourist honey-pot will most definitely take a large bite out of her college savings. If she didn't find a way to avoid this she'd easily lose half a year's tuition. She had been working as a barista, a waitress, a dog groomer, sales person and a party princess for ten months now and still hadn't saved up the full amount to pay back her share. Katie was still $500 short and the trip was in two weeks! In desperation, she took the most unwanted job of them all.

Babysitting the Stoll's kids three times a week until the trip.

Katie's dad had connections with Mrs. Stoll. She was a painter who specialised in botany of the rarest kind. Mr Gardner, Katie's dad, supplied the plants whilst Mrs Stoll created the masterpieces before returning them to the plant sanctuary. She'd painted everything from the dainty blades of a cactus to the harsh protruding stripes of the Rothschild's Slipper Orchid. Her paintings of the Orchid sold for thousands; when I say this plant is rare I mean like getting your hands on the 1999 First Edition Shadowless Holographic Charizard rare. Seriously, a single blossom of that plant can sell for $5,000 alone. Needless to say, twenty-five an hour is change for them to spare, that was obvious just from where they live.

Seven bedrooms and ten bathrooms, a pool, a rumoured waterfall and a boathouse spread across over 160,000 Square feet.

None of this was as impressive to her as it was for those first hearing it. What mesmerized Katie about the house was how eco-friendly it seemed to be.

Palm trees extending as though they were arms reaching out, ivy climbed the stone walls and a large carved bush was the centrepiece of a circular drive. Stylish solar panels disguised themselves within the Spanish style roof, complimenting the micro-hydroelectric generator that ran through the soft stream meandering up to the front door. A porch supported upon the branches of a whisteria reminded Katie of the books she read about the fairies of Neverland when she was younger.

The drive up to that house was the only peace she got on the property.

She got out of her truck, which looked underdressed dying of oxidation alongside a thriving community, to knock on the large front doors.

A woman in a charcoal dress emerged from the palace's entrance. Katie couldn't help but admire the gown. With a waist-line that began just under the pleated bust and a set of sleeves that draped to the floor as elegantly as the dancers of the Royal Ballet, it was easy to mistake the woman for a goddess.

"You must be Katie! Oh please, come in. Would you like any beverages before the briefing?" The voice was smooth, a prominent British accent resembled the Cambridge home of Mrs Stoll. She seemed surprised by Katie's arrival, though the young girl's expression of shock far worsened hers.

"I'm sorry...a briefing?" Katie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she questioned her life decisions, specifically why she decided to take this job.

"Oh, your father didn't tell you? No wonder you were so willing to help." Her accent slipped as she chuckled, an apologetic yet humoured smile spreading across her face.

"I have seven kids, five adopted. Flora has a severe nut allergy, she has three epi-pens. I shall give you mine so you have one with you." She pulled a white cylinder out of her purse with a clear orange cap on one end. Katie thanked the gods she was first aid trained.

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