29. Muddy Mischief

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 29 - Muddy Mischief - Day 4

She'd never felt more relaxed whilst struggling to breathe. The heat of the sauna pulled the oxygen she had back out of her lungs making her almost chase it. It was comfortable suffocation, two words she'd never thought she'd put together.

But this was different than any other time her lungs had refused to cooperate. In those situations, everything was too much. Her clothes would be too heavy, her thoughts would run too fast and She'd feel like everything was ending suddenly and this would be it, but here? Every breath she took was difficult but reminded her how alive she was. She could feel her pores open with the steam, like doors held open for her, allowing her skin to breathe for her. Her thoughts were still and as slow-moving as the clouds over Honolulu, simple and easy to admire and indulge.

"This is amazing." Lou-Ellen breathed a sigh. The air puffed out white and billowed up around her in a steady stream before joining the rest of the moisture in the air. She had laid herself down across the lowest of the wooden benches beside the pool of hot coals. A white towel, secure with a hair tie, hugged her waist, a complete contrast to the black bikini she wore.

"I never want to leave." Katie stared at her lazily, her head lolling back against the higher benches as she slouched across the lower one.

They'd been sat like this for a while now. How long exactly Katie had no clue, she didn't care. When she'd arrived Lou-Ellen had already been waiting outside, her bag filled to the brim with everything she'd needed to get ready for the evening - She and Shel suggested that through a text on the way back to the hotel. If they all brought their stuff down to the spa then they could get ready here and make their way to whatever the evening entertainment was together. The two of them walked into the changing rooms together and shoved their bags into a locker, taking the key with them into the sauna to wait for the others. Shel was the next to arrive followed shortly by Ivy and Lavinia.

"Jesus," Shel said as she opened the door, a gush of hot air smacking her in the face. Katie and Lou-Ellen laughed. Lou-Ellen sat up and patted the space she made for Shel to sit, Lavinia and Ivy sat between them. "I brought a flyer in from the lobby. The bronze spa packages are listed on the back page."

Katie climbed up to the higher bench, walking around to sit behind Lou-Ellen. She stared over Shel's shoulder to read the flyer. There were only three options:

" 'The Teenage Dream:' " She began reading. " 'Enjoy one of our most popular services catered to young adults. Begin your hour with a relaxing facial before heading to our specialist nail technicians for a manicure and pedicure.' "

"Catered to young adults?" Lou-Ellen asked. "Do you think they'll ask if I want Hello Kitty nail art?"

Shell scoffed a laugh then proceeded to read the next choice. "Then how about 'The Champagne No Problems: Indulge in a 30-minute hot oil massage before allowing yourself to discover the true wonders of an ice plunge all with a full flute of champagne in hand.' "

That sounded like Katie's worse nightmare. Someone she'd never met having their hands all over her body for that long? Relaxing as they make it look on TV she would be stressed out the whole time!

And an ice plunge? New York winters were bad enough when she was forced to experience them why do it voluntarily? She understood the health benefits and all that non-sense that came with putting your body under extreme shock, but come on. She'd seen Deadpool enough times to know to not deprive the body of what it wants and what her body wants is to stay in this warm room not plunge in Antarctic water.

"Do you really want a stranger touching you for half an hour?" Katie asked, pulling a face.

"Katie! You know better than to kink-shame!" Lou-Ellen giggled as she said it, finding her own joke too funny to not laugh. Katie swatted Lou-Ellen despite cackling loudly at Shel's disgusted look.

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