4. Pool day

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Take Me to Hawaii - A Tratie Fanfiction - Chapter 4 - Pool day - 5 days

"I just don't understand why I need the help, I mean. I have nothing against Katie but I can look after my siblings myself!" Katie heard Travis' voice shout as she pulled up to the Stoll's house once again.

"Need I remind you of the last time we left you to baby sit alone?" His dad's voice bellowed. "You almost lost the entire-"

"Okay okay, I get it! I'm a failure as a son. Have fun at work, Katie will be here soon."

The large doors swung open forcing Katie to step backwards, away from the bell. Mr Stoll stormed out of the house in cargo shorts, a polo neck and a messengers bag on his hip. He stopped abruptly seeing Katie's truck.

Stepping back to turn on one heel he faced Katie.

"Katie! How lovely to see you. So sorry my business has had me caught up, how are you?"

He embraced her in a hug.

"Good morning Mr Stoll."

"Oh no. No need for such formalities dear, call me Murray everyone else does. I have to head out but good luck with the scoundrels. I'll be back tonight. Dont be confused by the van its for my undercover inspections of the branch."

He left in a Hermes delivery truck, waving as he drove down the drive.
Katie turned back to the door, a tall figure leaning against it.

His hair was dishevelled from a cookie monster sleep mask that held it away from his eyes. A black tank top covered in paint with equally messy pair of blue shorts complimented the giant cookie monster slippers. He handed Katie a cup.

"Made you a coffee." He groaned out, his voice deep and gravelly. " 'm not a mornin' person...didn' think you'd be either." He yawned

Katie took the cup. A murky brown liquid that smelt like coffee filled it despite the tea bag floating in the centre.

"I can see that. Come on Travis I'll make breakfast."

The next few hours flew by. By the time Travis had finished his third cup of coffee he was fully awake and ready to annoy his siblings. He stormed upstairs, dragging each of them out of bed one by one and sitting them around the island as Katie prepared pancakes and omelets and cereal and smoothies and bacon and Flora's Special Breakfast Bagels...which was just an English breakfast muffin.

Travis showered and changed and forced each of the kids to do the same, having to chase after the now running Bobby everything he threw his trousers off and ran for it.

After clearing up and sitting the kids down infront of Bluey, Katie felt as though she could collapse.

"I'm deceassed." Travis proclaimed flopping backwards onto the floor from his position of using a dustpan and brush.

"You're dramatic." Katie placed the last plate of pancakes down on the counter "Get up, you haven't eaten yet."

"I can't eat I'm dead remember." He remained at his place on the floor, flopping his tongue out of his mouth for an extra flare.

"Guess Connor will have to eat your pancakes then."

A hand creeped up to the counter, retrieving the plate and carefully bringing it down to the floor.

"What should we do today?" Travis spoke through bites of pancake.

"I'm not sure."

"I can't drive."

"Yes you can?" Katie countered, having witnessed Travis' obnoxious parking at their school.

"Not today...I'm hungover."

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