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Andy sighs, combing his fingers through his still damp hair as he waits on Lily's front porch. He checks his watch to see it was just after 10 in the morning when he finally hears some noises and laughing just before the door opens. Lily looks surprised to see Andy in front of her, looking as if she just got up. But Andy knew that her ex would have dropped Allison off by then. "Can I come in? We need to talk about something."

Her eyes go wide, glancing behind her before moving to the side to let him in. "Max just dropped off Allison and then stayed to talk."

Andy nods as he watches Max scramble to put on his shoes, his hair disheveled and his shirt misbuttoned and Andy smirks, trying to stifle a laugh. If he had been there for any other reason, he would probably be mad, but somehow, he wasn't. If anything, it made it easier. He wasn't an idiot; he had been the cheater before. "I'll wait," he remarks as Max hesitates, but mumbles goodbye before leaving and shutting the door behind him. "Where is Allison?"

"She's in her room, playing." Lily tries to comb her fingers through her hair, smoothing out the back. "What's up? Do you want some coffee?"

"Actually, yeah, thanks." He nods, following her into the kitchen and takes a seat at the counter. "We need to talk about something."

She fills a mug with a smile, setting it on the counter in front of him. "Sure! Is it about moving in together? I think we should move into your place because it's bigger than mine."

Andy sighs, shaking his head as he puts a hand up. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Lily scoffs, motioning around her. "Well I don't think we would all be comfortable here."

"Will you just let me speak?" Andy responds a little annoyed as she snaps her mouth shut, leaning on the counter beside him as he sighs. "I don't think we should be together anymore."

"What?! Why not?"

Andy shrugs, staring at his coffee. "I have many reasons, but—"

"It's because of that girl that just started at your office, isn't it?" She interrupts him as he grinds his teeth together in irritation. You were looking at her all night last night, completely ignoring me. Don't throw away what we have over what could be a fling. Sleep with her, get it out of your system and I'll be here waiting."

Andy laughs, shaking his head as he stands up from the counter. "No. I'm throwing it away for my son, for one. For two, I've already had a fling with her before. She is who I was sleeping with when I was married to Laurie. It turns out that she had my son while she was away."

Lily rolls her eyes. "How do you even know that it's your son? We could have kids if that's what you want. You told me you were fine with Allison and that you didn't want any more kids. Who says it will even work out with this woman?"

Andy sighs, moving away from her as she tries to reach out to him. "I meant it when I said I didn't want more kids, but things happen. He's my son and I am not abandoning him. And as far as his mother goes... I don't know right now. But whether we work out or not, she's still the mother of my child, a child I need to take the time to know."

Lily whines, grabbing his hand, "we can work it out. I wouldn't keep you from your son, Andy."

He chuckles, pulling his hand away. "And what about Max?"

Her face pales slightly as she crosses her arms over her chest. "What do you mean? What does he have to do with anything?"

Andy laughs, rolling his eyes. "Come on, I am not stupid. You slept with him this morning. In fact, I'm sure it's safe to say you've been sleeping with him for a while." Andy sighs, silently reprimanding himself at being so stupid to not having noticed it before.

"Well, you haven't touched me in weeks! You've completely checked out."

Andy shrugs, walking to the living room. "And that should probably tell you something. I'm sorry Lily, but let's not waste anymore of each other's time."

"But I thought we were going to get married?!" She begins to cry as Andy rolls his eyes again at the alligator tears.

"What makes you think that?" He doesn't even bother looking at her as he asks the question, already opening the front door. He turns back to her as she grabs him, placing her hands on both of his arms.

"I found the ring! Unless you bought it for someone else?!" Now she sobs louder as Andy clenches his jaw to try and remain calm.

"No, I had bought it for you. But I changed my mind. Would you really want to be with me know that I'm not over Audrey anyways?"

"I just don't want this to be the end, Andy. I love you."

He can't bring himself to say the words because they feel empty saying them to her, especially now. And he realizes in that moment that he never really did love her. "Look, I think you're great. You're attractive and smart, but I'm not in love with you> I'm sorry." He sighs, giving her a small nod before leaving the house without waiting for a response.


Andy hears his phone ring as he steps out of his house before heading to Audrey's for dinner. He smiles when he sees Jacob's face pop up on the screen and answers quickly. "Jacob, how are you bud."

'I'm good, dad. I was just calling to check in. Mom said that you might not be doing well at the moment and might need to talk.'

Andy chuckles. Him and Laurie were better friends than spouses and it took them hurting each other and divorcing to figure that out. "Well yeah, there are some things we should probably talk about. What did your mother tell you?"

'Nothing, just that you might want to talk. Are you okay?'

"I'm okay," he sighs, "but it would be nice to talk in person. When can you come down? I have someone I want you to meet."

Jacob laughs slightly. 'Don't tell me you broke up with Lily and moved on already... It's barely been two weeks since we last talked.'

"Well, I did break up with Lily. But I'm not with anyone else. At least not right now. But, um... Audrey is back, and she is working in my office." Andy had decided to be as honest and as transparent as he could with Jacob when him and Laurie decided on the divorce. He was adamant that Jacob knew it wasn't just Laurie's fault, but that they had both made mistakes and hurt each other.

'Oh...' Jacob is silent for a few moments before sighing. 'How is that going?'

"We haven't really talked much besides about work yet. But I found out last night that after she moved, she had a baby... My baby... You have a little brother, Jacob."

'Shit..." Jacob mumble as Andy laughs. 'I don't really know what to say to that dad. How do you feel about it?'

"I feel a lot of things about it actually. I'm on my way there now to have dinner with them and talk to Audrey about everything. It would be nice if you could come down sometime over the next few weeks?"

'Of course, dad. I'll see what I can do.' Andy hears a woman in the background before Jacob sighs. 'I have to go. Let me know when you want me to come, and I'll be there. I love you, dad.'

"Love you too, bud. Bring your girlfriend with you." Andy hears him laugh and agree before hanging up the phone. 

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