~ One ~

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Great Wall

The guard screams in pain as a strong hand grabs his arm just before he could light up the fire.

He turns around and recoils when the enemy smiles, revealing his fangs.

"You are slow," grins the enormous man, leaning closer, his breath almost as burning as the flames that resemble his hair.

The arm twists as the hun moves, catching the torch in the air.

The guard almost falls on his knee, but the other's fingers close around his throat, lifting him into the air so he can hear the voice of his falling comrades while choking.

"Do you know who I am?"

The soldier struggles for air, so the intruder loosens his grip with a grimace to give him some.

"Eustass Kid."

The hun's smirk grows wider as the man's eyes turn to the torch.

"I value your struggle," rustles Kid, throwing the flames at the beacon to set it on fire. "Your role is now complete."

The soldier's features calm down but turn disturbed once again as the invader continues.

"I want your nation to know that we are coming. I want them to prepare their best to face me. Prepare them to die," he smiles.

His long, sharp nails run into the guard's skin to refresh their bright red color before he continues.

"Ask them about how we were, once they join you in hell."

He leans closer and snaps the neck, watching as the corpse falls.

"And you shall remember too," he whispers.

A tall, blond man arrives at the conqueror's side, but the redhead keeps his amber eyes on the hundreds of fires, sending signals through the land.

"We are waiting for your command, Kid."

Eustass jumps down from the edge he was crouching on, showing his impressive height.

His amused grin returns when his hawk flies upon his muscular shoulder.

"I wonder what they are hiding behind these walls, Killer," he answers. "What they have left to carry the hope to stop me."

The man licks off some of the blood that flows from his claws and laughs loudly, opening his arms as he embraces the sight of the country that he made his enemy.

"I wonder if there's any fresh meat that dares to stand against me."




A few weeks later

"Hello there, I heard this is the men's camp," says the fresh meat, walking out from the woods with a horrible accent. "Gotta get some of my twelve-in-one shampoo and-"

But you stop when your lucky cricket bursts out in an uncontrollable wave of YOHOHOHO.

You stop mortifiedly and fall on your knees, looking at your horse, who looks back at you with shock.

"I can't do this, Chopper!" you cry out in frustration. "The more I try, it's getting worse and worse."

When he nods in deep agreement, you hide your face with your hands.

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