~ Five ~

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[A/N]: And at this sacred moment, my most unhinged book rises from its ashes


You hesitate when you see Law's tent in the distance. You stop somewhat farther and stand from one leg to another anxiously.

"I start to doubt whether this is a good idea," you mutter, and Usopp crosses his arms over Chopper's back.

"Why?" he asks. "Going to see the guy who literally wanted nothing else than kicking you out since the moment he saw you?"

You grimace and flick his forehead, to which he whines shortly.

"Trafalgar wanted to tell me something, and it seemed to be important," you sigh, setting your belt a little tighter. "I wanna know what it was."

"I mean if you bathed with him, of course he has some questions my boy!" shouts Usopp, and you blush deeply.

"It's not like that!" you grumble. "Zoro jumped in to save me before my GREAT Guardian Dragon would have even realized that I-"

But both of you freeze, and Usopp hides when the tent opens, and a very tall, blond man walks out in battle uniform.

You turn pale and try to turn invisible in the night when you hear Law's voice shouting from the inside before he runs out and stops opposite the Admiral of the Main Army, the man who raised him.

"I want to go with you, Cora-san! The rookies are strong enough, and Eustass is getting closer. We should go all out before he reaches the first bigger cities around the capital!"

"You stay and finish their training, Law," smiles the other so calmly and brightly that your heart clenches in a way you can't explain. "But I will make sure you will not have to fight this war. Your generation deserves a little more peace. You did great with them, and I'm proud."

Trafalgar presses his lips together, and you see him in a way you never thought you would.


"I love you," says the blonde, smiling sweetly as he sets the spotted hat over the man's head, who pulls it down again to hide his eyes. "Stay safe here. We will return in a few weeks after the huns are wiped out. Eustass had done enough damage already."

Law answers something inaudible, then disappears behind the green fabric of the tent again.

You feel guilty for watching them, but something paralyzes you from moving away.

The blonde man turns around, and he looks a little surprised to see you, but it disappears in a moment.

He walks to you, and you get flustered, unable to find a reason why you are there.

As his amber eyes run over you, you feel like he reads you like a book.

"What's your name?" he asks as he comes closer, and you are so shocked that you didn't even notice how he tripped once on his way.

Your mind finally connects the dots from earlier, and you are too stunned to move out of his way. He's the Emperor's son.

The Crown Prince.

I never thought royal blood truly meant something.

But he seems to be from another world, where hatred doesn't exist.

"Ping," you whisper, then clean your throat when he tilts his head. You repeat it louder, and his lips bloom into a warm smile again.

"I asked your real name, soldier," he says, and the blood runs cold in your veins. He laughs silently and shakes his head. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone. I promise you can trust me."

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