Mini Chapter- Happy Birthday to Me!

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Flashback to when our heroes were starting their training with Philoctetes:

As the days passed for the training, Brandi realized that it was going to be her birthday soon, and she decided to talk with Phil and see if she and Herc could have a break of some kind for her birthday. "Oh, it's your birthday tomorrow, kid? Well, as much as I want you to keep training... I guess one skip day wouldn't hurt, but that doesn't mean I won't go easy on you the next day!" Phil said as he looks up at her, causing her to laugh. "Don't worry, Phil, I'll make sure I train twice as hard." She said as she smiles, nudging him as she gets a chuckle in return. Soon, they went to find Hercules, not realizing he and Pegasus were on a mission to get her the best birthday present ever. This should be interesting....

Hercules' POV:

"Alright, Pegasus, let's see if we can find the best present for Brandi." I said as Pegasus neighs, nuzzling me as I laugh softly. I look around at the different stalls, knowing I had to find something special for her. She helped me back home, so I wanted to pay her back in a way, you know? Soon, Pegasus got my attention from a stall nearby, as a woman was selling beautiful jewelry. "Ah, this is a fine steed you have, young man. What can I do for you?" She asked as she smiles at me. "W-Well, you see, it's my friend's birthday tomorrow a-and I want to find the perfect gift for her." I said as I blush slightly at hearing the woman chuckle. "Ah, young love. It always warms my heart to see a fine young man such as yourself wanting to give something for the love of their life." She said as I was flustered. "What, no?? It's not like that! I mean... I would like it to be, but it's not." I said as I shakes my head, gaining a soft smile from the woman. "Don't worry, you'll realize where your heart lies one day. Now, why don't you tell me about this 'friend' of yours, hmm? Maybe I can whip up something on the spot for you." She said as I smile in return, nodding as I give Brandi's description and her personality.

After a while, the woman nods as she soon gets to work, humming a soft tune as both Pegasus and I watch in awe as she works her magic. The way how she molds the metal into a shape before choosing a couple gems as she sets it up, making sure it was shaped right as she soon cools it off and cleans it. "And... there! Now, from what you've told me about her, she doesn't seem the jewelry type, but I'm sure she is going to love this." She said as she smiles, soon revealing her masterpiece as it was a beautiful silver necklace in the shape of a wolf holding a rose in its mouth as there was rubies for the rose, aquamarine for the wolf's eyes and a couple emeralds as well, the setting beautiful as it was on a simple cord. "It will hold for a good long while." She said as she carefully sets it down in front of me.

"This is beautiful.... but... I don't think I have enough to pay for this." I said sadly as I look at her, getting a soft smile in return. "I'll tell you what, you seem like a strong boy. How about this: you help me with a task, and I'll give this to you and something else for free. Sound fair?" She asked as she smiles, crossing her arms as she sees me going wide eyed. "R-Really?? You'd do that?!" I asked as I look at her, gaining a soft laugh and nod, smiling softly. "Alright, what is it that you want me to do?" I asked as I stand up straight, Pegasus looking at me as he neighs softly. The woman smiles softly as she takes me over to a map, pointing to a mountain nearby. "I need you to get me some rocks from deep in the cave. There are many gems in that mountain. But there is a specific one that is very rare to find." She said as she explains what she wants me to do.

I nod as I listen, soon holding the couple bags that I would be needing, getting on Pegasus. "Now remember, young man, you need to be careful. One wrong move and the whole mountain could collapse on top of ya." She said as I nod slightly. "Yes ma'am. I won't let you down." I said as I had Pegasus fly to the mountain, soon making it to the cave that she pointed out. We enter it as we look around, me holding a small torch. "Alright... she said that the gems are deeper into the cave..." I said softly as we move further, then before we know it, we were upon a cavern with walls full of all kinds of jewels and piles of them on the ground. "Alright, let's get as much as we can, but be careful." I said as I get a huff from Pegasus, as if he was saying, 'I could say the same to you.' After a while, the bags were almost full and we were looking around before a bright light caught our attention. "What's that...?" I said as I walk over, soon coming upon a small pool that were filled with jewels I've never seen before. 'These must be the rare jewels that the lady was talking about.' I thought to myself as I get in the water, starting to grab some of them as I hum a tune.

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