Chapter 4 - Mishaps on Mandalore

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Author's Note: In which Anakin... makes a mistake? ;) xD

~ Amina Gila

It's the first time Obi-Wan's been to Coruscant in a long time, but given the seriousness of the situation, Anakin isn't surprised he decided to come here for this. Obi-Wan used to know Duchess Satine of Mandalore well, after all. She's been called to Coruscant to speak to the Senate, because from what Anakin's heard, a large group of people in Mandalorian armor attacked a Republic outpost, but they all escaped – or committed suicide – before they could get any answers out of them.

It doesn't make sense, because didn't Mandalore decide to abandon its warrior ways after whatever happened in the most recent civil war? Or at least that's what Anakin heard, but now everyone in the Senate is starting to question the neutral system's true loyalties.

"Duchess," Obi-Wan greets as she stops in front of them, looking mildly surprised to see them here.

Satine looks between them, returning the greeting.

"I heard about was what happening on Mandalore," Obi-Wan says.

"And you're here on behest of the Senate to determine whether or not I'm a traitor?" she asks, an icy note in her voice. Clearly, someone else shares some of Anakin's views on the Republic.

"We're here of our own accord," Anakin assures her, stepping forwards.

"I know you've taken efforts to end the warrior ways of your people," Obi-Wan replies, "And I know whatever happened you had no knowledge of. We can discuss the situation in private together, if you desire."

"I would appreciate it," she replies.

The Senate meeting isn't until later that day, so Satine heads for Padme's apartment right away. As soon as they're away from the public eye, Anakin notices that some of the formalness Satine and Obi-Wan were showing for each other disappears immediately. They're sitting in their speeder, on the way for the apartment.

"I wouldn't have expected the padawan I used to know to become the king of a planet," Satine says dryly.

"I wouldn't have expected the warrior I used to know become a complete pacifist," Obi-Wan retaliates.

Anakin carefully tunes them out as they start flirting. In front of him. Seriously. Ew.

Thankfully, it doesn't last long.

"So, you're his son, Senator Skywalker?" Satine asks.

"Yes, and you can call me Anakin."

"I heard about your marriage to Senator Amidala. I've met her in the past."

"She told me," Anakin replies.

"We agree on many things," Satine comments, "Although I can't support the war the Republic is fighting now."

"Padme and I don't agree with it, either," Anakin admits, "We're doing everything we can in the Senate, and we'll do everything we can to help you and prevent it from spreading to your planet as well."

Their conversation ends at that, when they arrive at Padme's apartment.

Soon, the three of them are sitting with Padme in her living room, as Satine explains the situation. "There are some who aren't happy about the changes on Mandalore. Some of them joined a radical group of terrorists, called Death Watch," she relates, "On occasion they will carry out terrorist attacks against the government. We've been searching for them, but we haven't yet determined their location. But Mandalore can handle this situation fine on its own. We do not need Republic intervention. If the Republic intervenes, the people will be upset, and it will also likely bring the war right to my world."

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