Bonus Chapter

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"Cassie are you happy?"

She turns on her side and look at her husband. She traces the outline of his jaw. "Have you looked in the mirror lately? You are hot of course I'm happy. "

"I already know I'm good looking I'm a doctor if I was the worse looking guy there is. The fact I'm a doctor makes me attractive to woman.. I was taking about your life in general?"

She sits up in bed and turns her   Bedside table light on. She sighs heavily, "I'm a qualified psychologist with two beautiful children and a loving husband why wouldn't I be happy?"

"We never talked about the trial after it happened."

"That man robbed me of my childhood, of any good memories I may have growing up. He doesn't even deserve a footnote in the chapter of my life."

"That is true Cassie but we can't deny there are pages upon pages dedicated to him."

She smiles sadly, "No it would be foolish to act like that wasn't the case Alex.  He has been dead for over ten years I've exercised his ghost from my life I can't pretend it didn't happen but I have a great stepdad and mum is amazing .  I'm not that directionless person anymore  I'm not looking for someone to save me.  I'm saving myself from now on.  My book has been through so many print runs it's hard to remember how many. I'm now Dr Cassie, I can help others the way my counselling and family members helped me."

Alex looks at her with love.

"You know when I was a kid I had no ambitions I mean how could I. I couldn't see beyond leaving that environment then forgetting it once I did."

Alert places a hand on hers and she continues. She suddenly starts laughing he looks alarmed.  "I was thinking about Jennifer and her son. How she is such a good friend now. She once told me her mother was looking down and thanking me."

Alex kisses her hand, "Life is odd at times. My wife and my ex are good friends."

"I hated her for a very long time you know ,then it hit me. I was wasting energy on her."

"I'm glad you're in a better place Cassie."

"Me too Alex   I'm looking forward to the day our son brings home his fiancée and our grandson. We have given our son the childhood we never had. He's happy and safe  and loved by both of us.  This house will seem too big once the kids leave home."

"We can always sell it. My niece and nephews are selling their home. We should buy it from them and make sure  generations of our children always live there."

"If that's what you  want then we should do that.  I want to watch my grandkids open their Christmas presents  and experience our children  being parents. I want god to bless me  with good health and a long life, the both of us not just me."

"I want that too."

Cassie looks  at the laugh lines on her husband's face and the  grey hair mixed with his blonde hair. Then she looks into his blue eyes and saw the love shinning through them. She rest her head against his chest and intertwined their fingers.

" I love you Alex I have lived you from the moment I first set eyes on you."

"It was the same for me. We didn't start out right I did some wrong things, truth be told we both did. Despite that here we are  thriving and happy I couldn't ask for a better mother for my kids, wife or best friend."

"Thank you for saying that but Alex why did you ask if I was happy?"

"I noticed you didn't eat all your dinner no you barely touched it."

She raises her head an smiles warmly at him, "I can't be sure but I think I'm pregnant."

"OMG that is amazing  news ten years of trying and we have given up on IVF and you fall pregnant."

He kisses her tenderly and they embrace. "It happens sometimes like that, . Will you really be happy if I'm?"

"Of course I will be.  I have some pregnancy test in my bag I'm going to get you one."

"Okay doctor."

He leaves the bed and looks through his doctors bag until he finds the test strip. He gives her a pot and she pees in the pot. He does the test and looks at her, "It's positive Cassie it's positive!"

"Three kids I'm going to be a mother to three kids. Our son's goal is to be a billionaire and our daughter wants to be a doctor. I wonder what this little one will be."

Alex embrace her, "Whatever it is we will support him or her."

They kiss, "Alex I'm glad I met you. I wish we didn't start as an affair but I'm glad we ended up together in the end."

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