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I went into work and had my picture taken for my work pass then I got all the paperwork completed that I needed to. I also got keycards and passcodes for the building after that I went on the safeguarding course. There was a lot of different training courses I had to go on including visually impairment awareness training. 

Alex's sibling came to see us in the evening they wanted us to sign some forms. They were giving us each twenty-six percent of their companies. They owned hotels, restaurants, clubs and bars their fortune was in the hundred of millions.

They wouldn't take no for an answer because some of the money that was used to start the businesses should have been Alex's. The money was from a will their birth mother left to the siblings.

Elliot decided he wanted nothing to do with the Smiths and decline the money offered. Which was left for him to give to Alex.

He didn't know that the siblings got in touch with their brother and all three were now a close family unit. Alex and I kept refusing the money since they gave us money from his grandma's will to buy the cottage in cash. But they made a very good point.

The money would help if we decide to start a family and with paying for a solicitor. True be told I wanted to change the cottage into a five to six bedroom house with a separate study for me and Alex. There was more than enough land to extend the house we had 20 acres. Plus if we took the money we could buy another 100 if we wanted to.

I look over at Alex, "I trust you", he tells his siblings and sign the contracts.

I follow him and sign my name too then his brother and sister ask us if we would be okay becoming guardians to their kids should the worse happened to them. Alex had two nephews and a niece they range in age from five to eight.

I look at his siblings they were in their early forties They had a lot of years ahead of them still. I didn't need to ask I knew Alex would say yes without a doubt and we both sign on as guardians. When I read the forms we got complete control of the company in the event both siblings passed away. Until their children was over the age of 25.

I now suspected that the money Alex was left in his grandmother's will was so large because his siblings put it there. For their brother and their nan agreed to it.

Alex and I worked our way through school and I'm glad we didn't take money from them when they offered. Now I don't mind taking the money we're family and one day I hope to see our kids running around our house together. Looking at Jamie and Natalie I know they will never betray either of us. I look at how many different strands of family I have now and diary I know I'm blessed.

"Cassie we can pay off our student loans and help pay the cost of the renovations for your mum".

"Yes we can I've have a request though Jamie and Natalie. We learn all aspects of your businesses and help in any way we can. Not just get money off you especially if one day we may end up running them".

"Manor House is being changed we are going to be having conferences and stuff like that there now. We can go over the plans with you guys and get your input into the type of business we turn it in to", Jamie said.

"What about Elliots rent he was complaining the Stammers raised it because of my affair with Cassie".

"Amy raised it when Cassie was your legal wife the rent is staying high Elliot hasn't so much as said hello to us. I'm having Manor House redecorated before we move in. We're paying cash so hopefully it should be only four weeks till we can move in. I can sent the interior design company round to Margaret's to do her place up little brother. She has treated you well and defended you in public I like her and the rest of the Petersons seem okay".

"They really look after their own Natalie", Alex says to her. "They're good people when it comes down to it and they're discreet".

Alex and I showed them our wedding gifts and I started telling them about things I want to do to the house. Jamie tells us our bank account should see a deposit in three days. Alex and I decided to open an account with Croutts bank like Jamie recommenced.

They deal with high income people which we were now. We were told someone from the bank can visit us tomorrow after Jamie made a call to them.

I took out a tart Alex made and served it up. People in the village don't realise how truly rich my sister and brother-in-laws are. They think they're like the Stammers and worth about five to ten million pounds max. I didn't realise how rich people dealt with money.

They could have loads but a paper trial could show them not really having much. I'm glad a week that had Steve inadvertently telling people he abused me had a positive ending.


Alex and I are now official members of Croutts bank we see mum and she tells us someone from a interior decorating company came by. To get her ideas for what she wanted done to the hotel and pub. They can start work the following day and Teddy has offered her a room till everything is done. She also tells me she's changed the locks and added a deadbolt to it.

We all go to the village café and order drinks. There were whispers and people pointing at me but most of the people I knew offered me encouragement.

Saul the owner gave us our sandwiches and drinks on the house. He let us know should he see Steve in the village again he will call the police and give us a heads up.

I did feel weird knowing these people knew my deepest darkest secret then I realised yes they do diary and my world hasn't come crashing down. People aren't shunning me and I'm not being laughed at or mocked. I guess when you survive suicide you can survive anything.

We go see the solicitor after we eat to hear Steve is still in prison and the recording is ok to use at trial. I tell him my idea of finding Nora to see if she can help me win this. He says go for it, Jamie introduces me to a private eye type guy who will start the search for Nora and Becca my half sister.

Alex and I go home leaving mum to go to the pub to pack to move in with Teddy. When we get home we discuss ideas for wall colours and taking walls downs.


Several months have past and today is officially my first day of work. When I went in the people seemed nice but stressed. I logged into my computer with my username and password given to me by IT and get myself familiar with the computer system.

Today was a gentle break in day for me to learn how things are done and I even get home before Alex. We're staying with mum at the pub while our place is being renovated. I can't wait to see the finished product because mums place looks amazing.

While Alex is on his way home and mum is working I work on a mood board for the decoration of the cottage well large house now.

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