Chapter 1

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It had been at least a month since Ann's party at the pack house and Celest was just chilling in her room, when her roommate, Noél, came in to bother her.

"Hey! I just got a call from Ann and the girls! They are inviting us out to a night of karaoke! Are you coming?" Noél said as she jumped into Celest's bed. Celest had been in the middle of reading a really good chapter and wasn't sure if she really wanted to leave it right at that moment.

"Hmmmm... That depends? Are their mates going with them?" Celest questioned, but wanting to feel like a third wheel while everyone else was coupled up.

"Ann said that they are all going together but the guys are getting their own room so the girls can have some time to themselves." Noél said hoping that would appease Celest. Celest must have her a doubtful look.

"Yeah, we both know they will never be able to stay away from each other." Celest said and starting to pick her book back from where she had put it down. Noél grabbed her arm and started playful shaking her.

"Awwww... C'mon! We haven't seen the girls in forever and it would be really great to get out of the house for a while. Pleeeeeease?" Noél laid her head down on her and looked up at her with puppy dog eyes. Celest just sighed.

"Ok...Ok... Fine. I'll go. But I'm warning you, I'm probably not going to be fun." Celest sighed and watched Noél jump up from the bed to do a happy dance out of the room. She wondered what she was getting herself into but shrugged getting up to get changed for tonight's outing.

Changkyun pouted the whole way to karaoke. He hadn't wanted to go but his brothers had practically forced him into going. He would have rather stayed home and read a book or played one of his games. He liked living a quiet peaceful life. He didn't like big crowds and always felt apprehensive when meeting new people. But the other guys weren't having it and dragged him to the car.

The girls were there with them for the ride but they had already agreed to get separated rooms once they got there. Apparently the ladies had invited a couple friends that they hadn't seen and they were eager to introduce Rui to them. That, and they hadn't really been able to spend time with anyone outside of the pack house since they had moved in, except for Ann who had invited them to her party.

They arrived at the Asian style karaoke bar and the couples said their goodbyes before splitting up into their groups. Changkyun got dragged along under his Alpha brother's arm as he waved goodbye to the girls. When they made it to the room, their first order of business was to order food and drinks. After that was done, Kihyun began picking out songs for all of them. Jooheon was up first and it was a sight to see. Changkyun wouldn't normally call his brother dramatic, unless he was singing. The man loved to put on a show even if it killed him. And there was no way you couldn't find him to be hilarious. They all died laughing watching Jooheon try to hit the high notes from the girl group KPop sing that Kihyun had picked for his Alpha. Changkyun couldn't help but join the others laughing at Jooheon and thought to himself that maybe tonight might not be so terrible.

The girls were already settled in their room by the time Noél and Celest arrived. They gave each girl a huge hug and even greeted Rui with hugs. Celest could already sense a good vibe coming from her and knew Alise would never let someone close to her if that person couldn't be trusted. After all the warm greetings the girls decided to start with drinks and appetizers. They had wanted to wait until the other girls had arrived before ordering. They all decided that they wanted some alcohol in them first before getting up to sing.

Ann and Rui were chatting with Noél, bringing her up to date on all the tea, while Amber and Alise chatted with Celest.

"I heard you came to Ann's welcome party. How was it? Did you get to meet all the guys?" Alise asked curiously. Celest had been in the middle of taking a sip of her drink and see it down shaking her head, no.

"Not really. We only really met Kihyun. By the time we had gotten there Hyungwon, I believe his name is, was already up DJing and apparently Changkyun was hiding from the party." Alise and Amber both nodded their heads.

"Yeah... That sounds like Kyunie. He absolutely adorable and the sweetest guy you will ever meet but he hates crowds. The guys had to literally drag him out tonight." Celest looked a little shocked but nodded her head. She could understand his position. She herself hadn't really wanted to go out.

"Well to be honest, Noél dragged me here." She smiled sheepishly.

"It isn't anything against you guys, it's just that I would have been content staying home and reading my book. Especially if you had all been with your mates. The only reason I agreed was because this is a girl's night." Celest admitted.

"Yeah, we can understand that. Newly mated couples can be annoying to be around. Especially, when you don't have someone. That's why we need to find you a mate, too." Alise said cheerfully giving Amber a look, who have her a knowing smile in return. Celest had been looking at the collection of songs and had missed the subtle exchange between her friends.

The girls began picking out songs and everything else was forgotten. Alise had gone first, just because she actually could sing and hadn't needed as much liquid courage as the other girls did. Celest had to admit that she was pretty impressed as she applauded for her friend. Amber, who had already had 3 shots and a mixed drink seemed to be feeling good and decided to go next. The experience was one of the funniest things Celest had actually witnessed in a long while.

Amber,who she wouldn't call tone deaf, but wasn't too good either, gave it her all.She sang every note with emotion and almost fell trying to dance around. Celestnow remembered why she loved these girls so much. They decided to take a breakand order more food and drinks.

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