Chapter 3

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The hour was growing late and you could tell the guys were missing their women. Jooheon told them to call for the car as he went to go settle the bill. Kihyun said he would go let the girls know so they could wrap things up. Kihyun left the room and went next door. He peeked his head in giving them a dazzling smile.

"Hey ladies! Just wanted to give you a heads up that we will be leaving soon, so you might want to wrap things up." Kihyun caught Rui's eye and winked at her. Rui popped up from her seat and ran to Kihyun wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him soundly. Celest had to admit that they were an adorable couple. You could see Kihyun's smirk as Rui's mouth melded to his.

"Ok, kids... Save it for when we get home!" Alise said, giggling at her friends. Rui pulled herself away from him giggling and waving. He waved back and then waved to everyone else before heading back to his room. Rui turned back to the girls with a bright smile on her face and a pep in her step as she sat back down and sighed deeply.

"You really love him, huh?" Noél asked and Rui nodded furiously.

"He drives me crazy sometimes and he can be stubborn as hell but so can I, so it works." She said her smile only getting bigger as she talked about him. Celest felt a twinge of hope inside as she thought of Changkyun. Would he be as accepting of her? Did he even realize they were mates? He hadn't acted like it, aside for the looks he had first given her. She would just have to make him realize it, she thought to herself. Noél and her decided to leave first and said there goodbyes. 

Celest was pretty quiet the whole way home. Noél actually started getting worried about her. She thought Celest had been having fun. She just hoped nothing happened that was making her regret going out. Then Celest shocked the hell out of Noél.

"I think I'll pay the girls a visit tomorrow at the pack house." Celest let her voice wander a bit and Noél just kind of stared at her for a second.

"You realize... I have to work tomorrow and can't go with you, right?" Noél said.

"Uh... Yeah. I know. You realize I'm an adult and can go there without you, right?" She gave her friend a playful look and told her to pay attention to the road before she killed them both. But the moment they got out of the car Noél started questioning her.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be ok?"

"Well... For starters you want to go visit the pack house. What's up with that?" Noél questioned her as Celest unlocked their apartment door. Celest rolled her eyes before answering her.

"Well, if you really want to know, I actually got to have a really good conversation with Rui tonight and she was talking about how she would be giving the girls their first lesson in self defense tomorrow. She knows that we are wolves and asked if I knew how to protect myself, if needed. When I told her not really, she insisted that I come join them tomorrow. So... I'm gonna. It would be good to learn a thing or two from a girl who knows what she's doing."

Noél just stood there as Celest moved around the apartment hanging up her purse and jacket as she spoke. Then watched her,  listening to her explanation as she entered the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water from the fridge. Noél had heard that they were going to start training with Rui tomorrow, but hadn't thought that Celest would be interested or had been invited. She didn't really know what to say after that.

"Well... Okay then. Um... Be safe and have fun.. I guess?" Noél had taken a seat on their couch and kicked off her shoes. Celest joined her on the couch handing Noél her own glass of cold water. Noél took a long gulp of the refreshing liquid thankfully that it wasn't alcoholic. She knew the water would help her body fight off the coming hangover that she would no doubt wake up with the next day. Celest giggled at her before getting up.

"Make sure you drink all of that and have at least one more full glass before you go to bed. I'm heading to my room. Night bestie! And thank you for forcing me into going tonight. I really did have fun." She leaned over and kissed Noél on the forehead before heading to her room. Noél just sat there staring blankly at her.

Celest made it to her room and started getting ready for bed,  excited for tomorrow. She couldn't believe that she had found her mate. And the fact that he had been right under her nose this whole time, that just blew her mind. She could have met him at Ann's party if he hadn't been hiding from the crowd. She had been happy Amber hadn't mentioned that part to Changkyun. She could tell he had been worried about what she was going to say. The relief had been written all over his face when she had lied for him. She knew her friend wasn't that mean, even when drunk.

It did make Celest kind of curious, though. She wondered what had happened to him to make him shy away from people. She couldn't help but wonder if he would shy away from her, too. Or if the mate bond would be strong enough to pull him towards her. She had been getting ready for bed as all these thoughts were swirling around in her head. She guessed she'd just have to wait and see. Although, putting herself in his path couldn't hurt, could it?

Celest arrived at the house earlier than expected and was shown the way to the gym, where Rui had the girls doing some basic workouts and stretches to get them ready. She had to bite her tongue and keep herself from laughing as she saw her three friends half passed out on the workout equipment. Rui greeted her at the door and as Celest walked in she pointed out the girls.

"What the...?" Celest asked as she walked to Rui. Rui just rolled her eyes.

"Don't mind them. They are being dramatic. They aren't used to working out, but that will change. Your body needs to be limber to be able to move correctly in a fight. We've only been in here for ten minutes." Celest covered her mouth to hide the laughter.

"You'll have to excuse my friends. They really aren't the physical type." Celest smiled at Rui and walked over to Alise who was passed out on a bench.

"Yeah... I'm getting that. But they are strong, though. And in a fight, that's what counts. Strength and agility. I already heard that Alise is fierce as hell when angry. I'm more worried about the other two." Rui said as Celest hopped onto the treadmill beside her. Celest nodded as she began jogging beside Rui keeping up with her pace. Rui looked over to check the settings and realized Celest had mirrored hers. She nodded to herself feeling a bit more respect for Celest. She hadn't quite known what to expect from her since they really didn't know each other that well. But if she could keep up with Rui then that deserved some respect.

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