Chapter 12

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Celest had gotten the call from Ann an hour and a half ago asking her to come over for tea to discuss the café options. She had hurried over excited that Ann had actuality been interested and it hadn't just been all talk. She had dreams of opening a cute pet friendly café and bookstore. And now she could barely believe that she had people not only could help her get there but actually wanted to.

Minhyuk smiled as he answered the door and lead her into the giant library where the girls liked to enjoy their tea. As soon as they opened the door,  the girls popped up, running over to embrace her.

"Celest! We are so happy you are here!" Alise said giving her a big hug. Amber kissed her cheeks giving her a quick side hug as Ann almost tackled her. She giggled and hugged her back. Even Rui have her a quick hug walking her back over to the comfortable couches they had been sitting on. Amber poured tea before handing Celest a cup and saucer. She took it thanking her looking at the smiling faces around her as she added sugar and stirred her tea.

"So... Ann, what did you decide about the café idea? I was thinking it could be a pet friendly café and bookstore? Would you be ok with that?" Celest looked over at Ann as she took a sip from her tea. It was delicious and soothing. Ann was bouncing in her seat so much that Amber almost spilled tea on herself.

"Calm down please, you Mexican jumping bean. We get it, you're excited. But if you make me wear this tea, hurt you." Amber said smiling through clenched teeth. Rui and I giggled as Alise patted Ann's hand trying to calm her down.

"Use your words, Puddin." Alise chuckled.

"Yes! Oh my, yes! That would be lovely! I absolutely love everything about that idea! I'm so excited already! This is going to be the best!" Ann shouted as she fell back onto the couch.

"Wait... Does this mean we're gonna have to pay for all her delicious baked goods now?" Amber asked as he and Rui made sad faces.

"Well... Not necessarily." Celest said as she sat back crossing her legs.

"The two of you could always come in and put in a few hours of work if you wanted to. That way you could get the benefits of burrowing books and getting free food and drinks. Plus, I think it would be awesome having you all there." Celest said as she could imagine it all in her head.

"Sweetie, you wouldn't need to pay us. We'd do it just to get out of the house and away from the guys for a bit. Shit... We might even pay YOU for letting us be there." Rui said and all the girls laughed while picking up their mud and toasting.

The girls chatted for a little while longer and then each had to excuse themselves to take care of their own things until she was left with just Alise and herself.

"Ya know, I do believe there might be some interesting and helpful books in here somewhere that talk about starting up businesses. Feel free to stay as long as you want, you are always welcome here." Alise said before getting up and excusing herself leaving Celest in the huge room by herself. She was completely surrounded by books and had no idea where to even start looking but she'd give it a try.

She began roaming the isles looking over the spines of the books trying to find anything that would lead her to the correct books. Celest was impressed by some of the titles that she passed by and made a menral note to go back and check them out, at a later date. She was starting to get a bit frustrated at Alise for not having shown her where the books were or at least having pointed her in the right direction. She felt like she had been roaming for ages. Suddenly, she heard someone clear their throat and turned quickly to see Changkyun leaning against one of the shelves. He held a book in his hand while he waved it at her.

"This place is pretty massive. It's there something I can help you find?" Changkyun said in his sexy voice. Celest closed her eyes for a second and turned her head just to catch her breath. She seriously hoped that if they did end up together that there would never come a time that his voice stopped doing this to her. If that day came, she was pretty sure she might cry. She turned back, smiling at him.

"That would be super helpful, actually. Alise had said that I would be able to find some good trading material on small businesses around here somewhere but didn't bother to point me in the correct location, obviously." She giggled nervously as she felt her self going on and one. She was ranting like a fool. But why? Oh yeah... Because it had been days since she'd last seen him and the last conversation they had, hadn't been the best. She tried to calm herself down and act natural.

Changkyun smirked and reached out his hand to her. Apparently, she was a nervous as he was. That made him feel a bit better knowing that he wasn't the only nervous one.

"Uh... Sorry for not calling you." He started and watched her eyes slowly looked up at his blushing face.

"I wanted to at least text you... But I didn't have your number. It actually didn't dawn on me until after the fact that I probably could have asked any of the girls." He shrugged sheepishly taking the chance to glance over at her. She was blushing and grinning at him.

"I get it. I should probably have given you my number, so it's partly my fault. I can understand you not going to the girls about it, especially since you want to keep it secret and all. I'm just happy to be able to spend any time with you, honestly." Celest's eyes were so big and sincere that he couldn't help but feel warm all over as she spoke. He came towards her, taking her hand in his leading her out of the isle of books.

"Thank you for being so understanding about all this. I know it can't be easy for you. Can I be honest with you?" He asked as he walked her over to a table and leaned against it pulling her in-between his legs. She tried to pull away from him to give him space but he pulled her right back into him, tightly.

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