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Brantley's POV:

Still trying to sort out my emotions even after putting on a fake smile for mama when I dropped the kids off, I steered the truck along the winding back road. It had been so long that since I'd been alone with a woman that wasn't Mama, Amber, or Hannah that I didn't even know where to begin in making small talk. Did I comment on how the weather was outside tonight? Did I comment on how the rain we had gotten last week was much needed? Did I talk about how good UGA looks this year?

In the middle of mentally kicking my own ass for over analyzing things, I caught myself wondering when I had gotten so bad at talking with someone who was the opposite sex. I'd never been one who really liked to talk about himself, especially since I'd became a household name because I felt like anytime I did I was boasting about what I have. And that was something that I never wanted to do. I never wanted anyone to say that I had let my career change me from the person I had always been. Sure, my career gave me opportunities that most people only dreamed about, but I was humble enough to be grateful for the chances that I was given.

But I had promised Dani that I would tell her more about myself so I needed to figure out just how to do that and what to say that wouldn't make me sound like I was boasting. Being a public figure, there wasn't much about my life that wasn't all over the internet. Everything from my likes and dislikes on things such as food, music, and even political stance was at the fingertips of everyone with an internet connection. Being there so much information out there, it left mostly personal things that I could tell her since I liked to keep a lot of my personal like out of the tabloids.

While personal information might be all that I really have to talk about, I didn't want to start a conversation with something like wanting to know what her body count was or if she had any fetishes or kinks. That would come later... if we got that far. And even as torn as I was feeling over all of this, I really do hope that we can get to that point one day. Deep down, I know mama was right about Amber wanting me to move on but it didn't make it any easier.

Needing to get my mind off Amber before my mood could get any sourer than it already was, I asked the first question that came to mind. "What do you do for work?"

"I run a clothing boutique in Mobile." Said Dani, obvious pride in her voice.

"Anything that I would wear? Or is all the seersucker, floral patterned, ruffled madness that every woman seems to be obsessed with now days?" I asked.

"Well... I do have a few things that are suitable for men. But I think I gave you the wrong impression of my store. I'm run a lingerie boutique." Said Dani.

As soon as she had uttered the words, image after image popped into my mind of the endless possibilities when it came to what she could be wearing under her clothes at any given moment. Just thinking about all the lace, leather, and cut outs that could make up whatever she could wear caused my balls to tighten and my cock to twitch with interest. Damn thing had been doing that a lot lately whenever she was around. And even torn with my feelings about what was going on between the two of is, I wasn't mad at the fact that I could still get it up. The only thing that I hated was the fact that it had been so long since I'd been with a woman that I knew that the stamina that I had built up over the years was going to be shit. There would be no amount of reciting baseballs stats or reciting all fifty states in alphabetical order that would keep me from blowing my top like a roman candle on the fourth of July.

"Never thought that talking about a lingerie boutique would render a man like you speechless." Said Dani when I didn't say anything for a good five minutes. Oh, there was plenty that I could say but none of it fell into the category of me being the 'perfect gentleman' like I'd promised. Visions of her laid laying in a bed in nothing in sheer lace that left little to imagination had my dick swelling further, forcing me to attempt to adjust myself without being obvious about what I was doing. Because if I didn't, there was a good possibility that the tip of my dick would become deformed because of the way it was pressing against the teeth of my zipper.

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