Were Is She?

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Jackson has not talk to me sense I rejected Elisha..... I'm kinda regretting rejecting Elisha.


' what do you want you piece of crap????'

'Well someone's cranky!'


' what ever I don't even care!

~ Elisha ~
"Elisha get upppppppp!!!!"my best friend eli is trying to wake me up!
I've been out of school for ummm six days.......
"Eli we will go to school but we need a plan! Mwhahahaha!"
"Elisha I hate tht evil laugh and you know it! And let's plan!!!!!"

Our Plan Get Justin Jealous:
1. Go to school looking smexy
2. Me and Eli pretend to be dating (Elis mate diedbtw)
3. Kiss and act like a couple
4. Justin gets jealous!!!!!


Ok so by the way Elis mate died.
Elisha been in her room for almost a week!
Shes been in her room for a freakin' WEEK!!!!!
I can smell someone, a guy, has been in her room and he's not from our pack!!!!

He's strong like from his aroma like I can feel his power either he's a alpha or a beta!

Its 7 freakin 30
I have school yet another day without seeing Elisha's beautiful face! Wait what???

I'm loseing my mind!

*at school*
Me and my 'boyfriend' are going to school.
"Is this going to work Eli?"
"Elisha you look drop dead gorgeous and I'm happy to be doing this with you!"

I blush.
"Is elisha blushing????? Awwwww!!!!!"
"Eli shut up, stop making me blush!"
*parking lot at school*
I look hot!
Eli steps out of the car and instantly girls were googleing
Over him.
He walks over to my side if the car his muscle s flexing in his shirt... Yum!
He opens my door and grabs my hand people are starring ha.
Eli gives me a million dollor smile. I smile back. 'Ready?' I mindlinked him

'He11 yeah'

He puts his hands on my waist.I wrap my arms around his neck going on my tippy toes and kiss him I hear people whispering like

'Is the new girl and boy making out?'

'The new girls HOT!'

'Wait is...,. That?..... Elisha Bennet???'

'It is Justin s going to be mad!!!!!'

After a min or 2 we break apart for a breath and cause someone growled!

The person who's standing there is.........

"Elisha???? Is that you?"

"No! Its Santa!"

"Don't talk to me like that!"

I growl so does eli

Justin looks at him, "who are you?"

Me and eli start laughing.
"Well, justin( I say his name in discoust) this is my boyfriend Eli."
"Eli this is justin."
"Oh so he's the retard who rejected you?"
"Yep" I said piping to p.

"Justin let me tell you something you were a retard to reject Elisha! Shes amazing, beautiful and you rejected her! *huff* You. Are.Stupid! Don't forget pathedoic (elisha chimed in)!"

Justin look shocked
And it was funny!

His face was priceless!!!!!
We made sure he saw me and elisha making out.
And I told him and I qoute " justin let me tell you something you were a retard to reject elisha! Shes amazing, beautiful, and you rejected her! *huff* You. Are. Stupid! Don't forget pathedoic(elisha chimed in)!"

He was shocked!
Me and elisha walked away and into a school leaving Justin standing there shocked!
Our plan is working!

There plans working as it seems!
Hope you liked it!
What eli looks like top

You Rejected Me You'll Regret itWhere stories live. Discover now