your first highschool love

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Part by : StrayMillie

Minho : kicks you from under the table of your joined desks just to annoy you and to get your attention. leaves cartons of strawberry milk by your seat after lunch.

takes you to his dance practice and grins subtly whenever he catches you cheering him on by the corner of the dance studio in his peripheral vision. makes you bento boxes whenever he finds the time because he "can't stand watching you skip lunch all the fucking time."

[while looking at you like you're his entire universe] "god, you still haven't eaten yet? what time is it already? such a dumbass."

Seungmin : insists on studying with you at the library just so you can pass your exams together. teaches you any concepts you have trouble understanding. keeps an eye on you at all times just to make sure you're comfortable.

sighs but smiles fondly whenever he finds you asleep on your desk. is not a big fan of pda but indulges you when you lace your fingers with his while walking down the hallway. constantly nags you to develop a better sleep schedule that isn't messed up due to caffeine.

[sighing deeply from across the café table] "isn't that your fourth espresso of the day? no wonder why your circadian rhythms are so deranged."

Jisung: slacks off on his work just so you'll come over to his place and study with him. yells at you excitedly from across the room whenever he spots you (even if the whole school is staring).

is completely dependent on you to be his alarm clock— he would 100% always be late to school if not for you. is such a dumbass in general but it's okay because you love him for it! randomly jumps on you just to hear you yelp in surprise (and smack him and call him insufferable).

[clutching your hands to his chest dramatically] "it's okay, we can face the horrors of ap physics together."

Jeongin: gets incredibly blushy in public at the smallest romantic gestures. whines whenever you try to hug him around others because "it's so embarrassing!"

stands close to you whenever you're walking on the streets so that your shoulders brush against each other with every step. big spoons you while binging k-dramas together (but he likes small spooning too!). leans into your touch whenever you run a fingertip along his cheekbone.

"just one kiss!"
[shying away from you] "we have literally 3 more minutes until chem, can't it wait?

Hyunjin: gives you casual backhugs in the middle of the hallway. absentmindedly presses casual kisses to your cheeks while studying.

makes you sign up for art class so you can be painting partners with him! brushes your bangs out of your eyes while he kisses you. holds your hand in his lap and plays with your fingers at lunch.

takes you to the school rooftop whenever you're both free because he thinks that it's extremely romantic to stare out into the sky while sitting on the concrete of the roof and holding hands.

[holding out sketch to you] "what do you think? it's pretty, right?"

Chan: buys you bungeoppang whenever you walk home from school together. grins whenever he catches sight of you from across the hallway. lets you trace the veins that decorate his forearms and hands with your fingertips.

runs his hands along your waist as he kisses you. insists on driving you to school in his car even though you tell him that you're perfectly capable of boarding a bus. scolds you whenever he thinks you're overstudying. always picks up your calls, even when it's 1 am, and listens to all your sleepy rants and ramblings.

"don't you get tired of listening to me vent? i feel like i've been talking too much."
[sleepily and lovingly] "i could never get tired of your voice."

Changbin : complains loudly whenever your school schedules don't align perfectly. hugs you so tightly that he squeezes the breath out of your lungs.

takes care of you whenever you're sick with such tenderness; refuses to leave even when you tell him that he's risking infection by staying with you. cries with you whenever you don't understand a calculus concept because he most likely won't be able to understand it either and he hates to see you feeling bad. sits on a bench and waits for you if you ever have to stay back after school.

[hugging you tightly and refusing to let go] "but i wanted to do chemistry with you! now i'm stuck with jisung as a lab partner."

Felix: parallels an overexcited puppy whenever you meet. asks you out to the school dance with blushing cheeks and stumbling words.

would rather stay at home scrolling through tiktok but allows you to drag him to the local café to study instead just because he adores your company to an extent that he would study physics for you. stops by your locker to slip in sticky notes of cute little sketches and messages. holds your hand from under the desk whenever you're sitting next to each other in class.

[lying down with his head in your lap] "would you still date me if i was a worm?"
"go to sleep, felix."

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