PEEKABOO! (Hwang Hyunjin)

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A Hwang Hyunjin Oneshot

↠ 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙗𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙮, @navi_llera

INSPIRATION: My own fanfic, An Idol's Secret (plz go check it out!)

You could hear footsteps coming closer, as you hid on the closet door, covering your mouth in order to not make a single noise. Hearing as your notifications kept sounding loudly and loudly, yet you were just too far away to turn off your phone and you sure he had already heard it.

All you could do was pray to god that he wouldn't check the closet door.

"Bzzz." the man from the phone would go, sending one message...

Two messages...

Three messages...




Just kidding, it was another message.

Your nerves were starting to slip on the edge, as you could hear the footsteps get closer and closer, you were starting to wonder if you could really survive this time. Somehow, someway, you had survived his attacks twice, but could you really go for another?

It was impossible, this time, you had to die.

You just had to.

And he specifically warned you, that this time, even with the restraining order and the endless police calls, he just may have to kill you in order to have you shut up.

He loved you so much, that he had to kill you so that innocence of yours could be captured and preserved, at least that's what he told you.

The steps became much more heavy, as you could hear the sound of wet fabric being dragged, his clothing, towards your door.

This time, you would have no time to run away, no time to even scream or cry.

A silent, brutal killing, that was all there was left for you.

The door slowly creaked open, as the man creeped into your bedroom, while you tried to hide your cries and begs, knowing that they were useless now.

The man had been shattering your peace ever since you had dated him, an ex you regretted ever loving and giving attention to, because as soon as you decided to split, since you were moving away, he became this monster that not even you could explain with words, with how evil and terrifying he truly was.

He stalked and killed just for you, that's what scared you the most.

For the moment that he had lost all shame in the crimes he was doing, was the moment where he truly became despicable.

You knew that the footsteps were starting to come closer and closer to you, so you closed your eyes, accepting this cruel fate the man had placed you on.




The closet door sprang upon, as you tightly shut your eyes and mouth, as one single tear fell down from your eyes, to you cheeks, towards the closet floor.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?!" that voice, you recognized that voice from somewhere.

You slowly opened your eyes, to find your new boyfriend, Hwang Hyunjin, the man that you were had just been living with for about two months, looking at you with a worried expression on his face.

The moment he realized your violent shaking and your skyrocketing anxiety, he dropped the groceries he was carrying on his hands.

"Hyunjin...?"that was the only one word that could come out of your feeble, small voice, as you hugged him tightly.

Hyunjin had come home from work, making a quick stop at the grocery stop to pick up some things they needed and came home to find no one there.

Feeling a bit annoyed at the fact that it started raining and he didn't have a umbrella on him, he went home and was about to complain about this to his partner, until he realized that his partner wasn't there to greet him, which they always did.

He started to panic a bit, texting them and going through all of their rooms before finally checking the bedroom, to only find a strange noise that kept coming from the closet door.

The closet was heavily shaking, like if it was in the middle of an earthquake.

When he finally opened it, he then found Y/N, curled into a ball, shaking violently.

"Hyunjin...I thought he was going to take me again, he said he was going to kill me." he already knew who you were talking about, which made him sigh deeply.

He didn't say anything towards you and just kept hugging you tightly, slightly weeping a bit.

That's when you realized, that you were both scared and there wasn't anything that you could do about it anymore.

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