when you wear a short skirt

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Part by : StrayMillie

Bangchan : didn’t initially notice the short skirt you wore to the studio until his eyes traveled down to notice the thin lacing of your panties becoming eerily visible with your walking movements.

almost immediately as if it were a second instinct he hurried behind you, face slightly flushed from the encounter.

the blushy facade maintained before he took note of the looks you received, the states. especially the stares. quite funny actually, how you hardly blinked—oblivious to the gazes while chan took his sweet time sending them a venomous glare.

like some sort of protective bear, guarding its cubs. trust me, the ride home was a bit of a long one with chan ushering you into his lap to ‘save space.’ otherwise, he would’ve probably melted into the seat from the situation alone. it was a good thing you gave in.

Felix : was not anticipating such a sight whatsoever. that short cool toned skirt that hugged your waist and hips so well, flowing effortlessly with you. breathtaking couldn’t describe it well enough.

despite this absolute jaw-dropping sight, felix couldn’t help but feel the need to hide you away, as if you were too pretty to be seen by anyone except for him. the thing being you were too pretty for everyone else in his eyes. “dove, you’re too good.”

he sighed into your arms, head nuzzled into your neck in a warm embrace. felix’s embrace. “what do you mean lix ?” you sighed with him, confused at his statement. a long silence followed, the bbokari’s face tainted with red. “this, is too much.” he softly tugged at the edge of your skirt, your shoulders vibrating with amused giggles. too cute.

Hyunjin: tried his absolute hardest to conceal his expressions. but as we all know, the llama is as transparent as ever and there is simply no fix to his faces.

it would’ve been fine if he was only shocked, but the looks he gave the people at the cafe became a bit hazardous at a certain point.

“jinnie quit it .. we’re gonna get kicked out.” you tugged at his sleeve, nervously acknowledging the startled by-goers. “so be it.” he pouted, plush lips pursing outwards like a stubborn child.

he looked like a ruffled puffin right now. after what felt to be an eternity, you were seated at a small two-chair-table sharing a cozy view of the flower shop befriending the cafe you inhabited at the moment. “should we go home then ?” you sadly pondered, wanting to spend this time carefree, but it seemed the experience wasn’t pleasant.

this utterly broke hyunjin’s heart. feeling as if he ruined this fun date with you. “i’m sorry baby, i was acting out.” the jiniret fiddled with his fingers awkwardly, hiding his face in the menu. “…just wanted to make sure they knew you were mine..”

Changbin: had invited you to learn a choreography with the rest of 3racha, you’d been thinking about the offer and it seemed interesting, so why not tag along?

well, your clothing choice was a measly amount foolish with the new short white skirt you’d purchased beforehand—but already arriving at the location it would be pointless to turn back now. “so, are we ready?”

bang chan asked, nodding to han. the first few steps weren’t complicated, but did require a bit of hopping. luckily, changbin as attentive as ever placed his big hands on your hips, easing your back to his chest. “not a wise choice today.” he whispered in a hushed tone, quietly tugging down the fabric to barricade any inconveniences.

“don’t worry, i’ve got you.” leaving a soft peck on your cheek out of the others eyesight. as cute as this was, it still didn’t keep from the choreography including more jumping and such. taking the safer route, you resorted to watching the three practice while sitting on the couch.

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