New girl?

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(Just do you guys know I suck at grammar and this is my first story!!)(Little background info!! Skip if you would like/ you used to go to the same school as finney and you kinda bullied him as a joke up he didn't take it that way. But now you moved away and came back a few years later he is now 13 and you are to you feel bad for bullying him now because you really how nice he was)

"Hey mom do you know where my shoes are" you scream to you mom waiting back for a answer "Um, I'm not sure hunny you need to throw them out anyways" you hear her say how you reply was just you rolling your eyes and saying "mom no are you crazy there my good old reliables" my mom walked into my room holding my shoes "they were right by the door and get ready you have school" I look at her like she was crazy "I am mom and it's not school it's hell" she just stares at me like starring into my soul I honestly forgot about her no bad word rule but it's hard not to say it "language y/n now get ready" she sounded a bit more serious so I pushed her out and closed my door I put on my converse and threw on some random clothes out of my closet

"Hey mom do you know where my shoes are" you scream to you mom waiting back for a answer "Um, I'm not sure hunny you need to throw them out anyways" you hear her say how you reply was just you rolling your eyes and saying "mom no are you crazy the...

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(This is what you wear)

"Okay mom I'm ready for school" I ran downstairs to see my mom waiting already with her purse she has a job as a teacher but thank god it in a younger grade so I don't have to see her she's fine and all but I don't think I want her as my teacher we get into the car it seems like she's kinda speeding I guess we are a bit late
We finally arrive at middle school my mom drops me off and I grab my bag and gets out the car "bye hunny" oh my why did she scream that everyone looked at me just wave and smile at her so I did then I put on my headphones while walking into school still embarrassed about my mom screaming that then boom I ran into someone "oh hey sorry I didn't see you there" it was Robin... and I think finney I smile "hi I don't know if you quite remember me-"Robin quickly interrupted "no of course we remember you you were a badass stealing the crayons" I just started to laugh "shut up anyways can you guys help me get to class" I look at robin but I glance at finney he changed a lot "yea sure what class do you got" I look back at robin "uh I think science" I looked down at my paper waiting for one of them to respond "I have science to" I hear I looked up to see finney looking at me with a slight smile
While we where walking we passed a billboard in the hall and I saw a missing poster I stoped to read it "Vance hopper missing" I thought to myself "do you think his cute or something" Robin said looking at me laughing with finney I just looked at them and rolled my eyes "no his missing you dumb fucks I just wanted to see if I knew him" I could tell they thought I was lying but I just started walking again with them and finally we were there
"You can sit by me if you would like" finney looked at me while Robin was walking to his class "uh sure" we walk in and I sit right next to finney I noticed that his looking at a girl for some reason I felt a bit hurt but then I saw him messing with a little rocketship "what are you playing with" I asked finney trying not to rude incase it was something someone special that gave it him, he seemed to ignore because he was still staring I just sigh and look at the teacher
Few class later now it was lunch I was getting over whelmed on where to sit until both robin and finney walk over to me "you wanna sit with us" I look at robin like he just saved my life by saying that "please" I laugh and we started to walk to Lunch I was kinda behind both robin and finney and then I smelled food finally we where in the lunch room I got my food and sat across from finney and robin we talked about where I moved and how it was soon enough we heard the bell and finished the rest of our classes I was walking with finney down the halls until I heard three boys scream finneys name then all of a sudden finney screamed "RUN" next thing I know I was in a stall with finney blake we where both on the toilet I was still confused on what was happening until I heard the door swing open I hurried and put my hand over my mouth "come on out dick weed" one of the jerks said all of a sudden he got down and opened the stall door and walked out I didn't know what to do, do I come out or no the thought running through my head was making me a bit scared then I saw finney signal me to come out I jumped of the toilet and kinda hid behind finney these boys were new I wasn't really listening to the boys conversation I was honestly more focused on being in the boys bathroom then robin came in and handle the boys and got them to get out they were saying something about Texas chainsaw killer and about how finney should see it then finney went over to the urinal "uh I'm gonna get out here before I see something I won't like" I went out the door hearing them laugh I went outside waiting for them to come out
Soon enough they came out laughing about whatever they where talking about me and finney lived close so while Robin went where he had to go I was walking with finney and Gwen I love Gwen she's super sweet and me and here use to have play dates even thought I was a bit older we walked for a bit more then I was at my house I walked in to see a pair of black boots my mom probably has a boy over since the incident with my dad and the crash I just go up to my room and just plops on my bed and falls asleep

( Author note) HAISUSHWHSUSSU 1127 wordsssss I promise next chapter will be interesting

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