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I woke up hoping all the shit that happened was a dream while I waited for finney to wake up I just looked at the ceiling known that Robin probably wasn't alive but I cant cry I got snapped out of my thoughts by the phone ringing I ran to it "hello" (I'm not sure who it should be so let's just say it was Vance so we can get out quicker😍) *he cutely says every thing he says* "okay the wall" I look infront of the toilet "I'm guessing right here" I hurry and wake up finney "what do you want" he says covering his face "get up lazy ass we are getting out of here" I grabbed him and showed him where to hit the wall "I'll keep a look out for the grabber and distract him you got this finney" I kissed his cheek and ran infront of the door
He finally broke the wall I had to stay where I was but I watched as finney went in and started slamming his body against the door "COME ON FINNEY YOU GOT THIS" I scream a few more tries and he came out "it's not working" "then why did Vance tell me to break the wall" "his a asshole y/n" (btw the other people before Vance already called
Finneys pov:
I just leaned against the wall and cried there is nothing else to do and I know it's not very man like to cry infront of y/n but I couldn't help it
Y/n pov:
I ran over to finney and just hugged him as tight as I could once again the phone rung me and finney ran to it finney hurried and answer while I just looked at finneys face for any expressions "hey Finn what's happening" "robin?" My face lit up "hey buddy don't cry" "I'm not" "yes you are I can see you" "you can?" "I'm with you I been with you this whole time" "you have" "a man never leaves his friends behind and my father didn't leave his buddys behind we he went to nam that's why he didn't come home and I'm not coming home either and I'm not gonna leave you or y/n behind either" "we will all be together soon" it's obvious robin died and finney just said that I am not dying in this shithole "fuck that you ain't gonna go like I did" "Robin-" " you remember what I told you" "that I need to see Texas chainsaw massacre" "before that" "that someday I have to stand up for myself" "some day is today Finn todays the day you stop taking shit from anybody" "I'm not a fighter like you Robin you couldn't even take him" "you've always been a fighter Finn that's what we have in common why we're friends you were always afraid to throw a punch but you always knew how to take one and you always got back up everytime" "I'm not strong enough" "you have to be you and y/n are getting out of here if you can't do it for you do it for me" "what does it matter" "because I don't wanna die for nothing I wanna have at least died for a friend and because I can't kill that hijo de puta you have to do it for me" I couldn't hear much of the rest but finney started to fight the air after a few swings finney handed the phone to me "hello" I said eating for a response "hey y/n do me a favor" "yea of course what is it" "hang out with Finn since I'm gone and make sure he watches Texas chainsaw massacre" "okay I'll make sure he does" "one last thing" "hm?" "Date finney already" "HEY" I laughed "tell finney to come over and stand by the phone with you" I yelled for finney to come over "what is it" he said standing right next to me "bye y/n and finney" "bye Robin" me and finney said at the same time then the phone beeped finney hurried and grabbed the phone and filled it with dirt I was standing right by the toilet waiting for the grabber (pretend the max thing happened)
Finney was beating the shit out of the grabber then started to strangle him while he was doing that I had two steaks in my hand once the grabber died I threw the steaks to the dog and grabbed finneys hand and ran out of there when we escaped Gwen ran to finney then the cops ran to us to with blankets while finney was sitting with his sister and dad I was sitting on the curb while my mom was rubbing my back and her new boyfriend in her car when I was about to leave I ran up to finney "good fighting And I told you we where going to make it out of here" then I just kissed him while I was walking back with my mom I kept glancing back at finney and laughing at how red his face was

(Sorry I didn't right long I'm also thinking about doing a Bruce story or sum thank you for the reads to<3💕🙈)

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