"My Little Kitten" (Warlock Sitka X Neko Female Reader)

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♡Warlock Sitka X Neko Female Reader♡

No One's POV:

You were a homeless little neko, You had no home or No Family to go too, Ever since You can walk as a little Kitten, You're parents were nowhere to be found, You looked everywhere that You can think of but no matter where You look, You just couldn't find Them.

Of Course You learned to shapeshift Yourself into a Neko or a Regular Kitten, You also learned how to hunt on Your own, You're most favorite was to hunt birds, Especially small ones but often, You just felt alone and just wanted someone to be with You.


You were wandering around the woods, You were pretty far from Your little den, You saw a little cottage, You titled Your head and You saw the window was open, You hop onto The window and You saw a Man.

He was tan skin, had a ponytail along with a beard, He smiled Softly at You.

"Aww, I didn't know My magic attracts kittens like You" He Said and He gently patted You on Your head.

You purred happily and He chuckled softly, He then gently picked You up and The Two of You looked at each other and He smiled brightly at You.

"You're such a sweetheart, What in The world a little kitten like You doing out in the forest all alone? Do You have a family?" He Asked as He examined You for any injuries which of course You didn't because You were very careful.

You blinked at Him and You let out a--


"Hm, Guess not" He Said and He put You down on His desk, You sit down as He turn His back and walked out of the room.

You waited for a minute until He came back, He came back with a bowl milk for You, He lay it down next to You, You then started to drink the milk, He gently pet You as You were drinking, He smiled and watched.

"How can something so adorable like You just live out in the wild with no one to take care of You?" He Asked as He continued to gently pet You more.

As He was gently petting You, You immediately finished because You were very hungry and You finished the bowl and It was almost cleaned.

He chuckled softly as You finished.

"You must've been hungry, I can see that You're nothing but skin and bones, little one" He Said.

"If You like, You can live here with Me, I wouldn't mind at all, I would love to have the company, It gets lonely here sometimes" He Said as He gently pat Your head.

You saw a little ribbon in His hand, It was a (Your favorite color) ribbon, He then gently wrapped it around Your neck and make sure that It didn't choke You, He gently stroked Your head with His Thumb and You happily purred softly.

"What should I name You?" He Asked but than a butterfly fly through the window and was now flying around, You started to Chase it and tried jumping to catch it but The Butterfly was obviously too high for You.

As You were desperately trying to catch The Butterfly, You ended on tripping over one of Sitka's spell books, You looked at Him which He chuckled at You and Gently picked You up again and The two of You made eye contact.

"Maybe My spell room isn't a place for such a little kitten to play, isn't that right?" Sitka Said as He gently put You on His shoulder, You were Perfectly small enough to sit on Sitka's shoulder, He smiled at You as You were happily sitting on His shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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