Chapter 9

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I found it hard to sleep some nights. My thoughts swirled around and around, making me think, and making me question. I hated how strong my thoughts were and how they kept pushing and pushing, never leaving me alone. I'd be silent, only hearing the voices in my head telling me everything wrong with me or why I'm never good enough. Do you know the old phrase you'd use to hear about dealing with bullies? "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Does that phrase still apply when you're your own bully?

I checked the time. It was 2:07 AM. I fought the urge to scream into my pillow. I didn't want Hannah to wake up. I've always had trouble sleeping. I wouldn't say I liked it. I wish there were a switch I could flip to turn my brain off and let me get some good rest for once.

I went on my phone, I never was used to DMing people on Instagram, but I sent a text to Mason and Spencer and, surprisingly, Luke too.

Do you have a cure for insomnia?

Luke was the one and only one to respond.

I do, actually, an insane amount of drugs.

Can I have some?

I don't think I can give them to you; I don't want to be labeled a drug dealer.

I'm betting the drug you're talking about is melatonin.

You are correct.

Can I share something personal with you?

Of course, only if you are comfortable.

My mind is always filled with thoughts and ideas, sometimes negative thoughts, sometimes positive. I don't know how to turn them off, and I just lay awake, having them circle my head.

I understand; that happens to me too. My mom used to sing Ba Ba Black Sheep to me when I was little, and I know that seems stupid, but I usually repeat the song in my head until I finally fall asleep. It usually works except for tonight.

Do you think I should try it?

Only if you want, it might work.

Thank you, Luke.

Anytime Harley.

I fell asleep to the song Baa Baa Black Sheep circling in my head instead.

"Will that be all for you two today?" I asked.

"Yes, thank you." The man grumbled as he handed me my tip.

"Harley, come check this out," Mason shouted eagerly across the bar.

I shook my head as I swerved past servers and customers to get to Mason.

"What's up?" I asked as I slid into an empty bar stool.

I looked up at the television. There was going to be a concert downtown this weekend.

"Oh wow, are you going to it?" I asked Mason. He was busy scrubbing some empty glasses and stocking them on the shelf.

"Um, maybe. If I can get someone to watch Hayden."

I put my hand on his arm, "I'm sure someone would offer to watch him."

"I doubt it, not that I blame anyone. It's just that I've been going through so many babysitters because of my long shifts."

I wish I understood what he was going through; in some way, I do because of my younger siblings, but I never had to look for a babysitter because I was always there.

"Well, I won't go if you aren't going."

"No, you deserve some fun. I want you to go no matter what. Promise me you'll go."

"Fine, I'll make Hannah go with me if you can't."

Mason smiled, "Good."

"Girl, I can't go to the concert tomorrow. I have a date with Caleb. I'm meeting his parents."

"No, please, Hannah, come with me. I already bought two tickets."

"Tell that to Caleb's parents. Why can't Spencer or Mason go?"

I flopped back on my bed, listening to Hannah fold her clothes, "Because Spencer has a game, and Mason has to watch Hayden."

"Maybe try to sell them online? Or go around campus and ask people." Hannah suggested.

I climbed out of bed, "Yeah, I think I have someone in mind."

I wasn't too surprised to see Luke here studying. He was determined.

"Hey," I whispered as I pulled a chair beside him.

He turned and smiled at me, "Hey, Harley."

I unzipped my backpack and took out my laptop. I hated working on my computer; I'd instead use notes.

"You don't like using your laptop either?" Luke questioned.

"No, it's annoying as hell."

I looked over to see what he was working on. It wasn't homework, and they were sketches.

One was of a golden retriever, and the other one next to it was of a girl walking on the sidewalk. Her hair was blown behind her like it was windy. She had a backpack on and a cup of coffee in her hand. She was walking outside of the baseball stadium.

"Wow, those are cool," I said in awe.

"Yeah, I don't know. I like drawing and taking pictures. It's like capturing a moment in time that no one will see again."

"Why aren't you in a major that correlates with your artistic ability?"

"My dad forced me to study business. He told me that arts are a waste of time. I won't be able to make a living off of it."

"I don't think anyone should be able to tell you what to do with your life. If you want to switch majors, do it."

"It's not as easy as it seems, Harley. I already have most of my business credits. It would be a waste of money. I plan on still doing photography and drawing on the side."

I stayed silent. Looking at Luke, I would have never guessed he was able to draw as well as he does or even photograph as well as he does. He grabbed his pencil and started shading the girl's hair again, making it darker.

For the first time, I felt comfortable studying next to Luke.

"What is your dream vacation?" Luke asked.

His question caught me off guard. I haven't gone on many vacations and have left the state just a handful of times.

"I would have to say Oregon or Washington. Those may seem lame, but I think it would be super pretty."

"I've always wanted to go hiking up there. It seems pretty. Maybe we can convince a group of people to go sometime."

His comment made me blush. I couldn't help but imagine a road trip with him. We'd probably argue the whole way, but it would still be fun.

By the time we packed up, I had most of my homework done.

As Luke waved goodbye, I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

He smirked as he looked down at me, "Is there a problem?"

I tried to swallow the lump that seemed to have formed in my throat, "I was wondering if you wanted to go to this concert tonight. I think it would be fun and I need someone to go with. So I figured you'd like to go."

He smiled as he stood up a little straighter, "Okay, that sounds fun. Text me the time and place."

I looked at him, confused, "I don't have your number?"

He smiled as he started to walk away, "Check your notebook."

When I opened my notebook, Luke's number was written in the right corner of the first page. I smiled, wondering how he wrote it down without me noticing.

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