Chapter 18

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*Jake's PoV*
It's true what Jem said the other day at the cemetery but we was around that area so we thought we would go and see how it looks.
It broke my heart to have to see "Chetly Sims
A son that will never be forgotten, forever in our hearts.
Love Mummy and Daddy.
I hate going to graves and everything to do with death it makes me feel like it's my fault.
I need to make up with Jemma because you can't lose the one you love can you.
You can't just leave them when they was down like I did.
I'll do anything to have my little family back it was the best thing in the world, but no I ruined it.
I messed it up by leaving her with our son who had no clue what was going on.
Logan, my son, my life the boy I'll always love so much.
He turned my life around when I found out I had a son.
He made me happy and want everything I did in life to make him proud so he can say "that's my daddy!" With the biggest smile on his face.
But it's too late for that isn't it?
It's too late to get my happy family back.
I mean Logan used to call me "dada" but last time I saw him he called me "dad" he didn't even smile he was frowning.
Maybe that was because he was going to see his brother? I don't know...
Maybe if I text Jemma she'll say yes to meeting up with me and then getting our family back...
In fact I'll ring her.
"Sorry the number you are calling no longer exists" the annoying phone lady said.
She changed her number and didn't tell me?!
What if I wanted to get full custody of Logan then I wouldn't be able to get in contact with her!
I wouldn't be allowed full custody anyway I'm in a band so it'll be to hard to look after him.
Maybe if I ring Chloe she'll be able to give Jemma my number or something.
*phone call J=Jake C=Chloe*
J-hello Chloe is that you?!
C-yes what do you want.
J-I want Jemma's number.
C-I'll have to ask her first.
J-what why?!
C-because she might not want you to have her number.
J-please Chloe.
C-it's not up to me I'm sorry.
J-okay but can you ask her please.
C-okay bye now
*end of phone call*
With that she was gone.
I'm anxiously waiting from rather a text from Jemma or a text from Chloe saying she said she doesn't want me to have her number.
It could go two ways.

*Chloes PoV*
"Jem come here please" I shouted from the kitchen.
Jemma's got better she looks healthier now and is happy which is actually good and makes me happier.
"What up duck?" She asked.
"Jake rang me and asked for your number should I give it to him or not?"
"Erm yeah because then I can tell him to fuck off."
"Alright also wanna come food shopping??"
"Yeah let me go get dressed"

"To Jake.
Her number is +4471829201827"

"From Jake.
Thankyou so much Chloe."

I wonder why he wants her number?
To apologies he never apologies' so why would he start now?
It doesn't make sense!
Then again Jake doesn't make sense...
"I'm ready shit face" Jemma said walking down the stairs.
She took Logan's hand and I took hold of Jess' hand and made our way to the car.
We strapped them into their car seats and headed to Morrisons.
"Right so we need a lot of stuff" I said chuckling.
"We do indeed" Jemma said laughing.
We put Jess and Logan in them front seat thingys of the trolly then we headed into the shop.
We was about half way through the shops when Jemma got distracted on her phone.
Jake had texted her.

*Jems PoV*
"From Jake.
Please let me see Logan again."
"From Jake.
Please let's talk this out"
"From Jake.
Please Jemma."
"To Jake.
Look Jake I'll let you see Logan soon but not yet I'm not ready to see you just yet.
Please stop texting me now."

I felt happy after I sent that like a tone of bricks had been lifted of my shoulders.
Thank god for that.

After we did our shopping we went home put the shopping away and decided to cook some pasta and salad for dinner.
After that we bathed the kids and put them in to bed.
After that we stayed down stairs and watched films whilst eating ice cream.

A/N sorry for such a shit update and haven't updated in a while I forget the password hahaha

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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