What lies between thy Spark?

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With sight, come thy truth, in past, present, and future.

With thought, come thy mind, encased with stories un-told.

Hear thy voice beyond thy universe? As whispers echo and dance within thee.

Thus thee say encase me with color's of life and light, as worlds swirl and dance so bright. And might I add with words so bold, hath thee heard of souls un-told?
A purpose planned, I do believe. Could thus story be of old? Passed before with deep found Love, encased with words thus drawn on snow white pages, elegantly shaped and lightly stated.

Sight brought to thy eyes once blind, heart beat thundering when once so quiet, warm emotions instead of cold as ice. Hath thee believed of thy cheerful embrace? One so sought for as time rolls forward, moments together seem so fleeting while separation is ever increasing with longing and missing, yet with all thus said, How beautiful it is when Soul colors meet and form thy moments connection igniting thy Spark, not known or seen within thy physical being.

Beauty and Light is brought forth in sight with flames of red and indicolite. Thus thy colors form and bond as time so passes and purpose adorned.

Deep within thy Love so bound and an eternal light hath been found, a plan so sought and beautifully bound. Purpose created and authority awaken, take up thee staff of salvation - as Thy King shall Knight thee with Anticipation.



I credit this piece to my amazing boyfriend, thank you for this awesome word of inspiration! And being so inspirational! Love you to infinity and beyond ❤️♥️



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