5. That Happy Feel

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I slammed the alarm shut.

That annoying sound.

I like to wake up early. You can say I am a morning person.

But I don't like the sound of alarm. It wakes me up early.

Yea it's stupid to think like this. But what can I say, I am crazy.

Yawning and stretching I dragged myself into the bathroom.

Finishing my routines, I came back to my room to see the time. 5:30AM.


I can finish my yoga and jogging before heading to office.

I should be there by 9.

Before the boss man enters his room, coffee should be ready on his table.

I scoffed remembering that specific instruction.

It's been a month since I started working for Karthik.

I was late one day. Late by just 2 min.

He was already glaring at me.


Because there was no coffee on his table.

And the next day he was all funny, joking and flirting.

What the hell?

It's more difficult to work with him than I thought.

Not in terms of work load, the problem is with my emotions.

That happy feel you get when you are around your loved one, such a good feel.

It's getting hard to fight that feeling and I am not ready for another heart break from the same person.

Sighing I started my jog. After finishing my workouts, I got ready to start my day.

Reaching the office, I went straight to the kitchen.

Grabbing both mine and his cup I walked to his cabin.

I walked straight to his room without knocking to see him already in his chair.

"Sorry I didn't notice you. You are early?" I asked little surprised and placed his cup down on the table.

"Yea. Have your coffee with me Cherry." He asked.

"Ookkaayyy" I dragged the word while sitting on the chair.

"But don't call me Cherry." I said trying to be serious.

"Why? Don't you like it when I call you Cherry?" He asked with an intense gaze. 

What's with him today!

I cleared my throat and said "whatever" and continued sipping my coffe.

He kept on staring at me all the time.

I left the cabin excusing myself when I knew I can't stay any stronger fighting my blush.

Geez this fellow is making a Tom boy blush. I face palmed myself.


I laughed seeing her rush out of my cabin fighting her blush.

After a few hours into the work I thought of taking a break.

I came out of my cabin to see Cherry with a group of other employees.

They were all watching her mesmerized while she was talking so animatedly.

She gathers attention wherever she is.

Wherever she goes just like that people watch her, talk to her. She can't keep herself hidden even if she wants to.

How did I control myself not falling for her all those years, that's a wonder.

I was still observing her when my phone rang.

Her attention turned to me. She smiled seeing me. Smiling back I picked up the call.

"What?! How did that happen?! What the hell were you all doing?" I shouted.

"Ok I am on my way." I said rushing to the elevator.

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