One shot: Rekindling feelings!

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Ps: Everything is only of imagination not meant to hurt anyone. If you have any issues please ignore this story.

Happy reading ❤️💙

Siv's pov:

Yess! Today it is! The first day I meet him after being rejected on my face. I don't know how I have the strength to go stand infront of him, this was my thoughts every since that moment but then when days passed why should I be embarrassed? I didn't do any sort of a sin or something, I confessed my feelings what's the harm in that? It's okay that I got rejected but that doesn't mean I should crumble myself and restrict myself from talking to him. After all I loved him or maybe I do still it just got numb and hollow as time passed.

After three damn years, he decided to talk to me and now asking me if we could meet. And me being the same stupid person agrees right away. I don't know why I put my standards and worth so low, I'm so easily approachable... Usable I'd say that people don't treat me the way I should be treated. I thought he'd be the one for me but I guess God has other plans. Him meeting his love right after rejecting me! And I see him look at her the way I wanted him to see me. Making my heart shatter every single day!!! 💔

I can't explain how hard it was for me to accept the reality but I had to! I can't be giving my love without the person reciprocating it even a cent percent! I believe that people who give love deserved to be loved the same too!! But still the satisfaction that I did try, I did open up, I wasn't a coward, this is what I said to myself to make me feel better! I could say that it helped maybe a little but still that part of heart which was broken would remain the same forever.

I walk inside the cafe that he told me last evening, even though I tried my best to dress as plain as possible making sure that he doesn't think I'm way too excited to meet him! I promise I did try hard to be simple believe me but here I am wearing this! I couldn't restrain myself from wearing this dress. This colour is actually OUR FAVOURITE, maybe was but it's my favourite still I don't know about him. I haven't spoken to him in three damn years. I can't believe it myself that I survived these days without him.

I do dress up even on a normal day, I just like doing it but I can add that I did go an extra step to look more pretty! Yeah I do call myself beautiful, why not? I carry myself very confidently but surely not by boasting myself! Just admiring myse...

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I do dress up even on a normal day, I just like doing it but I can add that I did go an extra step to look more pretty! Yeah I do call myself beautiful, why not? I carry myself very confidently but surely not by boasting myself! Just admiring myself everyday! Everyone is beautiful and they should feel it and be happy.

Why expect or wait for someone to compliment you, when you can do it yourself! Self love and appreciation is important! Don't degrade yourself at any cost... ❤️

I enter the cafe and walk forward. My hands sweating, my feet taking small steps, my heart racing faster each moment. I don't why I'm having such feelings. He's just a friend I don't even  know if I could call him that but I can't keep myself calm. But my heart making me flutter right at the moment my eyes find him! Him sitting right in the corner of the room looking charming, I don't if I can call him that but who cares? It isn't wrong to admire beauty right 🙈🏃🏻‍♀️

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