4. flowers

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"When did you come home yesterday?" Harry asks into his tea.

"Late" Francis answers absentmindedly, eyes glued to his phone, forgotten half eaten croissant in his free hand. He types for a few seconds and Harry stares down at his mug.

They're brunching, Francis finally doesn't have to work early for once, and Harry woke up before him, so he went to buy bread and croissants and made a big breakfast. They sit opposite each other at the dining table for once and not at the kitchen island.

Still, he doesn't seem to be able to get his fiancés unshared attention. He's trying. "My mum asked if we want to celebrate Christmas together here this year"

"Mhm" is the only answer he gets, Francis not even looking up.

"Like, my mum, my sister and Robin. Maybe my grandparents if they're feeling it"

"Okay, yeah, sure"

"What about your parents?" Harry goes on, desperately hoping for an answer that indicates the man across him is actually listening. "And your brothers?" Harry hates Francis' brothers. They're loud and manly and always make fun of his clothes and all. But they're family. Well, they will be family next spring, when they get married.

"I'm... uh... gonna ask" Surprisingly, Francis actually listens, but he still sounds distracted. Harry sighs and racks his brain capacities for other topics that could get his attention.

"Lets have sex tonight"


Harry almost rolls his eyes. What the fuck. "I wanna have sex with you" He repeats. "Tonight"

Francis finally glances up at him for a second. "Tonight's not possible, sorry"

"What?" Harry asks breathily, leaning back in his chair. Not even sex can get him to acknowledge his presence? "Why not?"

"Spencer called in another meeting, to do the last planning for our trip, you know?"

Ah, the trip. Tomorrow, Francis will leave for a two weeks business trip to New York, and only come back a few days before Christmas.

"Okay then... tomorrow, like maybe before you leave?"

Francis sighs, finally locks his phone and puts it onto the table, looking up at Harry and taking another bite from his croissant.

"Or right now?" Harry asks, happy that he finally has his attention.

"Harry, I can't" Francis says, rubbing his temple, as if it's absolutely exhausting that his fiancé wants to blow him. It's been weeks. More than a month.

Harry sighs in defeat and stabs a pancake with his fork. Then he tries the last topic that comes to his mind. "I told you I wasn't feeling well, yesterday, right?"

"Mhm" Francis confirms with his mouth full, picking his phone back up.

"I fainted" Harry states slowly, deciding to leave out the part where Louis carried him into his bed and cuddled him and made him hot chocolate. "So... I was thinking maybe I'll go see a doctor today for a check up-"

Francis' phone rings.

"One sec" He says to Harry, holding a finger in the air, before he gets up from his chair, lifts the phone to his ear and walks into his office.

Wow. Harry's lips are parted as he stares at Francis back, and then at the closed door, dumbfounded. What? Francis has always been a work guy, always taking his responsibilities very seriously, but that he puts it before Harry so much is new. Well, new since like three weeks ago. Harry doesn't know why and neither does he know how to deal with that.

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