5. the first tear

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"Are you sure your mum wants to see me?" Louis asks, somewhat nervous, when Harry takes a left turn into the street they grew up on, only a few more yards until their families' houses will get into view.

"Yeah" Harry says and glances at him, lifting one hand from the steering wheel to scratch his nose. "Why shouldn't she?"

Louis shrugs. "Aren't mums supposed to hate their son's ex boyfriends?"

Harry is quiet for a few moments, mainly because he's surprised. Louis said boyfriend. Louis actually said something to acknowledge that they were boyfriends.

Hate their sons ex boyfriends.

He says it as if he broke Harry's heart. Well- he did. But it's not like he misused his trust or broke a promise or cheated or anything. It's not something anyone could hate him for. Louis and Harry broke each other's hearts, mutually, and Harry's mum knows what happened. She isn't mad at Louis for doing what he did, and she isn't mad at Harry either.

Harry isn't mad at Louis for what he did, he never was.

"She loves you" Is all he answers as he pulls into the empty parking spot in front of the house. "She always loved you, thought you knew that"

"Well" Louis says, still looking nervous. Harry takes out the key and turns to look at him, watches him fiddling with his hair. "Last time I saw her was ages ago, and I... you know"

Left? Agreed to leave? Didn't say no to leaving? Just simply didn't stay?

"I promise, it will be just fine" Harry assures softly. "After all, she was the one who invited you"

Louis seems to regain confidence at that, nodding to himself. His phone rings a second later, and Harry unbuckles his seat belt, ready to just get out and give Louis time to talk to whoever is calling him, but the man just pulls out his phone, shuts it off and puts it back into his pocket.

"Don't you wanna get that?" Harry asks, slightly bewildered, because he's used to phone calls being the most important thing in the world.

Louis only shakes his head quickly. "I can call back, I'm with you right now" With that, he gets out of the car and Harry just kind of slumps back against the seat, staring at Louis.

He's stunned. Over and over again, Louis is the exact opposite of Francis and Harry doesn't know what to do with that information. Aren't people supposed to have a type? Slowly, he's starting to question what made him fall for Francis. He knows damn well what made him fall for Louis, but that list is too long to think over right now, and on the other hand he doesn't want to think about all the things that were - are - amazing about Louis. Not when he's about to have lunch with him and his mum.

When he gets out of the car, Louis waits for him. "Stan said he's in town" He informs him. "So when we're done eating and catching up I'd go see him, if that's alright. Then you have some time with your mum alone and all that" Harry only nods with a smile. He hasn't seen Stan in ages.

Stan might have been the only thing Harry and Louis didn't share back then. Stan was Louis' friend. Harry never really liked him in the beginning, because Louis played footie with him all the time and that meant he didn't have time for Harry. But after they started dating, he kind of warmed up to him. Maybe that was because after that, they didn't have to fight anymore. It wasn't who's Louis best friend anymore. It was established, then. Stan was Louis' best friend. And Harry was Louis' boyfriend. And hell, Harry could live with that.

They finally got around when Louis broke his leg in a footie match and both of them waited for hours in the hospital for him, and finally got to really talk to each other. Then they found out they actually had a lot in common, for example their love for Louis, and warmed up to each other. They just didn't stay in contact after that. So it makes sense that Harry won't go with Louis to see Stan today, and that's fine. He's got a lot to talk about with his mother anyway.

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