12. epilogue

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"There you go" Harry smiles widely and places the plate of pancakes onto the surface of the kitchen island.

It's a warm day, the sun shining through the large windows, illuminating the wooden style kitchen. Harry has his work suit already on, but the floral jacket is still over the back of one barstool, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows. His light blue fingernails fit the blue of his suit perfectly.

Milo looks up from his book, smiling back at Harry before pulling the plate closer.

"Thank you" He mumbles with his cup raised to his lips, sipping on the tea Harry made him. He holds the mug with dark brown sweater paws, the knitted sweater almost the same colour of his hair.

Harry sits down opposite Milo, folding his hands on the table. "Did you manage to sort everything from yesterday out?"

"Yeah" Milo replies, turning the page in his book. He glances up at Harry and smiles again, warm and genuine. "Thanks again for that"

"No worries, love. If you need any more help, always ask me yeah? After all, I studied law"

Darcy next to Milo rolls her eyes slightly at that. "We know, you don't need to tell us every day, dad"

"Be nice, sweetheart" Louis scolds, walking into the kitchen and bringing more sunshine with him.

His hair is short again, his skin even more tanned and his eyes still so fucking blue. He's wrapped up in a blanket, Noah hanging at the front in some sort of cocoon. Louis raises his eyebrows at Darcy to get his point across, before stealing a blueberry from her plate.

"No books on the table" he then says to Milo, the brown haired boy sighing before closing the book and sliding it into his leather bag. "Or anywhere, actually" Louis corrects himself, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen island. "Catch"

Milo doesn't catch it, but Darcy does, sticking her tongue out at her brother.

Harry looks at Louis, trying to have a stern, scolding expression on his face. But Louis looks really fucking cute in the blanket with baby Noah in front of him, his big blue eyes wide as he drools into his hand. "You can't just throw things at him"

"Hell yeah I can! Here, Haz, catch" Louis says confidently, throwing the next apple at Harry, who catches it with slight effort. Louis only smiles at that, turning his body so he doesn't squeeze Noah when he leans in to kiss Harry's lips shortly.

Darcy makes gagging noises, and Milo looks up from the book he secretively continued reading underneath the table. "Good morning, light of my life. And good morning, my grumpy children"

Harry smiles at that, watching Louis reach around the table to ruffle Milo's and Darcy's hair, making them both groan out in annoyance and fix it again.

"Morning you too, second favourite dad" Darcy mumbles, trying to sort out her dark curls with her hands.

Harry doesn't say anything as he untangles Noah from the blanket, balancing him on his hip while he hands Louis his tea. Louis pecks his lips for that again and sits down opposite Darcy, stealing a pancake. "Sooo, want me to bring you to school?"

While Milo shrugs, Darcy immediately pulls a face. "Ew, no, dad. That's fucking embarrassing. Nobody is brought to school, especially not when your dad is a teacher and everyone knows him"

Harry chuckles into his own tea as he sees Louis' cute pout. "But I'm the cool drama teacher, and I'm not even working right now" he points out. "Paternity leave. Duh"

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