Dealing With Scorpio..

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- Scorpios can be your biggest sweetheart or your worst nightmare – it really boils down to how you treat them. Show them you care and they'll show it back. Be an ass.... and they'll act like you don't exist.

- They like to do what they need to do how they like to do it. Being the headstrong people they are, they typically know the direction(s) they want to take. So weighing them down is not an option. Yes, they will always make time for the people they care about but you have to respect their ambition, their views and their desire to handle things a certain way.

- Reading a Scorpio is not always easy. They tend to be very private... about a lot of things. You may think everything is fine but on the inside, they're dealing with so much. And on the flip side, they may appear upset but are having the best day ever. 

- Scorpios are tough cookies. They are not the type to wallow in their misery for too long. They dust themselves off and try again. So the last thing they will ever do is allow others to bring them down. Keep it positive or keep it pushing.

- Take your time with getting to know a Scorpio. Rushing may complicate things later on. They are designed for a specific group of people... only the strong survive.

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