Leo/Virgo Cusp: The Cusp of Exposure.

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If you were born on the Leo-Virgo cusp, from about August 19 to August 25, you were born on "The Cusp of Exposure," but that's not as risque as it sounds. In fact, you face some not-so-fun and conflicting energy in your life.

Leo is a Fire sign and Virgo is an Earth sign, which means there are contrary elements to your personality. The question is, will the fire in your heart be smothered by the Earth, or will it burn bright?

Because these cuspers were born between such very different signs, it's hard to say which way they'll lean. Some on the Leo-Virgo cusp gravitate more toward Leo's need for drama and attention, while others are more like Virgo and prefer a quiet, less social lifestyle.

Whichever way you lean, though, your personality will most likely be hardworking and passionate, especially when dedicated to a particular cause.

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