Chapter 1: Pink

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In this game we all have our roles to play.

Blues -Pushovers

Oranges -Goody two shoes

Yellows -Cowards

Pinks -The only ones who know their place

At the top.

And by all means we would get there.

Unlike the other Addisons we weren't afraid to name-call, get rowdy, get violent.

And oh sweetheart, I was the best in the business~

Every profanity was a drug to me. The fights were adrenaline. All the yelling and punching made me feel alive.

I was rewarded every time I walked down the street by scowls.

They hated me and I adored it.

That's all I knew. That's all I needed.

Looking back, success wasn't what fueled me. Anger was...


Once I clawed my way to second seed Pink Addison, I finally met him.


The top.

I don't remember what he said to me on that day, only that I was going to take his place.

I do remember him smirking as he threw the first punch.

We were all the same.

We would do anything to ruin each other.

Scandals, blackmail, sabotage, but despite everything, 01 and I became close.

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

Something the other Addisons would never understand.

Together, we watched monopolies fall and coworkers lose their life savings.

As a business man I had everything I could have ever wanted, yet I still craved more.

I wanted to be 01.

I wanted to see the look on his face when I became the top.


Right before the first 01 meeting of the term I invited him to my house for tea.

By the end of the hour, tea stained the carpet.

Yelling filled the halls as it all broke loose.

Months and months of blackmail and lies were my weapon.

Anger was my reward.

I had him right where I wanted. Bloodied, ruined. Now it was my time to smirk.

I stared into his eyes, wanting him to be the first person who saw me as the new top.




In my hubris flailing arms managed a well aimed blow to my temple.

The next thing I knew he was gone and I was on the ground.

All blackmail erased.

All lies diminished.




In a fervor I wiped the blood from my nose and made way outside where conveniently placed trash cans became my prey.

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