Chapter 3: Sunrise

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My therapist gave me a patient smile. "Are you sure that you are really ready for this Pink?

I took a deep breath to steady my rising nerves. If only I knew it took more than just that.

My therapist took a deep breath as well. "Let's start all the way at the beginning Pink. Can you tell me what you remember about your mentor? Eye color, gender, personality, anything that comes to your mind."

As much as I was terrified to go back to my youth I stared at my therapist dumbfounded.

"I never had a mentor..."

My therapist's eyes widened in shock for a moment before returning to normal. "Well then can you tell me what you remember about those around you?"

Not wanting to let it go I kept pressing about the mentor thing.

"Was I supposed to have a mentor?"

My therapist stared at me not knowing what to say. I felt fear rising in my chest so I tried to help him out.

"P-Pink Addison's probably don't have mentors because they are all so cut-throat..."

Not wanting to lie to me, my therapist said the words I didn't want to hear.

" All Addisons are supposed to have a mentor."

I began to squirm in my seat. "Well then, maybe they were decommissioned..."

I stared as I watched my therapist calmly walk to the computer on their desk.

"I could find out."

"...You can do that?"

My therapist sighed. "As a therapist I'm legally allowed to know certain things. It's up to you, though, Pink if you want to know or not."

Fidgeting with my hands I said. "W-well before you go through the trouble of looking it up why don't you tell me what a m-mentor does. Depending on what you say I might not care."

My therapist stared at me with some unknown emotion.

"A mentor is supposed to take care of a newly spawned Addison, showing them the ropes of both business and life."

Without thinking I blurted out. "Look them up."

I shut my eyes tight as the therapist started to type on his keyboard.

He paused for a moment before talking. "Their current tag number and street address are: 487 and 145 53rd street."

"T-they abandoned me?"


For my entire life I had believed that as soon as an Addison was spawned they were thrust out into the world so, it was in horror that I learned I was supposed to be taken care of.

I was supposed to be guided, not thrust.

Shelterned, not broken.

Loved, not hit.

As I stared at my therapist in horror I felt:


I felt nothing as my therapist allowed me to leave early.

Nothing as I drove home.

Nothing as I walked up to Orange's door.

I only started to feel something as I knocked on her door in desperation.

The door opened and the tears started to flow. "Orange!"

Only Orange wasn't on the other side of the door but rather a very scared looking young Orange Addison.

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