Part 3

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After a relatively uneventful day I was awoken in the middle of the night by a faint cry.

I turned to Orange to tell her I was going to check on Momo. But that's when I realized Momo wasn't crying...

Orange was .

In panic I wrapped my arms tighter around her and she gave a small gasp.

She quickly turned around to face me and I could see her eyes were bloodshot.

My stomach churned in fear and after staring at me for a second Orange started to give my forehead a kiss.

After kiss.

After kiss.

Under her breath she kept muttering.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

I placed my hand on her cheek to try and comfort her.

"'s okay, I'm here...nothing can hurt you..."

Orange looked at me desperately and panic continued to form in my chest as she said.

"You are?"

I nodded. "I am and I promise I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to protect you now..."

"Then promise me you won't hurt yourself again..."

My head started to pound as those words transported me back to that night. Blood staining the sidewalk flashed in my mind and all I could hear was a dull thump.




I knew I almost killed myself that night which caused me to feel sick.


I looked at Orange with fear in my eyes and all I could say was.

"Oh Orange I'm so sorry..."

She looked at me with fear washed across her face.

"You were just so desperate to be done...tell me Pink, what drives a man to kill himself?"

As I looked at her in terror, tears welled up in her eyes.

"If only I was there sooner....if only I never left your side...i-if only I had never suggested for you to find your mentor!"

Orange pressed her head into my chest and big warm tears streamed down her face.

All I could do was wrap my arms tighter around her as I fumbled for the right words to say.

"N-no Orange it wasn't your fault....that night messed me up pretty badly...a-a-and I messed you up pretty badly..."

Bad thoughts took over as I continued to ramble on.

"I-I um...just tend to mess things up...I'm sick...I'm selfish...I didn't even think about how you would feel and in doing so I hurt you...I-I hurt you...I-I..."

My breathing became rapid and I started to shake.

"I-I...and oh gosh...oh gosh what if I mess up Momo...after everything I've done I shouldn't be allowed to be a father."

Orange looked at me in terror. " Pink don't say that! T-that's not fair! You're already an amazing father and a wonderful husband...I-I'm so sorry I shouldn't've started crying."

"N-no I'm s-sorry..."

Now it was my turn to cry as I stared into Orange's eyes. She took a deep breath before looking back at me with loving eyes.

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