✈️ None down, nineteen to go✈️

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A/n, btw, in this story, Alex wears headphones around his neck, kay?


Don's POV

Scarlett and Alex are in a taxi. Scarlett is reading and Alex is looking out the window. "Here we have Scarlett and Alex, two brainiacs and best friends"

Duel confessional

Alex: Scarlett and I met on total drama pahkitew island

Scarlett: And Alex was literally the only person there I didn't want to kill. In addition, he was the only person who I didn't have to treat like a ten year old


Third person view

"Welcome contestants, to your twenty six part race around the world. Each part ends in a chill zone. Get there fast, because the last team to the carpet of completion may be cut from the competition. But the first team to reach the carpet of completion will win one million dollars!" Don said.

The teams cheered, and Scarlett and Alex exchanged smirks.

"Look over here!" Don called. Everyone turned to a small statue of Don "This is our ridonculous tip box, also known as a Don Box. Press this button that will give you the travel tips that will lead you through the ridonculous race. Ready teams?"

The teams got ready to run. "On your marks, get set... RACE!".

They ran to the Don Box. Scarlett smashed her fist on the button. "Race on foot to the CN tower, and find the Don Box to get your next tip" she read "Come on! Let's go!".

They both ran.

They arrived at the tower. Scarlett grabbed another tip and read it. "Stairs or scares..." she muttered "scares! Come on!"

They both ran inside the building and waited by the elevator.

They waited for a while, along with a lot of the other teams. "How long is this stupid thing going to take?" Alex muttered.

"It's a hundred and forty-four flight of stairs, of course it'll take a while" Scarlett pointed out.

The elevator arrived. They got in, along with a bunch of other teams. Emma from the sisters team pressed the close button right before the mom and daughter team got in.

Scarlett growled quietly because of the large crowd

Duel confessional

Scarlett: I hate crowds

Alex: You really hate everything, don't you?

Scarlett: I don't hate you

Alex: *Blushes*


The teams on the elevator ran out.

"Hold on! I need to make sure my helmet is sterilized before we do this" Tom from the fashion bloggers said.

Scarlett growled, making Tom and Jen step back. Scarlett grabbed two helmets. "Come on" she said to Alex. He followed her.

"WE HAVE TO WALK OUT HERE?!" Alex exclaimed, when he saw the skywalk.

"Calm down. I would tell you how tall it was, but I doubt that would calm your nerves, now come on! Let's just do this stupid death walk so we can get to the chill zone in first" Scarlett said, grabbing his hand.

They both started the death walk, along with the Geniuses, Sisters, vegans, Fashion bloggers, Best friends and Tennis Rivals.

"We're doing this for you mother earth! Don't kill us!" Laurie screamed. Alex and Scarlett exchanged confused looks.

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