🐂Little bull on the Prairie🥘

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"Go to head smashed in buffalo jump" Scarlett read

"Um, is that a place, or a threat?" Alex asked in confusion.

"Probably both, and whatever it is, it's in Alberta. C'mon" Scarlett said.

They ran to get a taxi.


"Come on!" Emma said, getting in.

"Shouldn't we wait for Owen and Noah?" Alex asked.

"What? No! If Noah and I are on a break, that means our alliance is too! Now hurry up so we can come in first for a change!" Emma snapped.

Duel confessional

Alex: I feel kinda bad for Noah...

Scarlett: Who cares? Him and Owen were just dragging us down anyway. We're not here to make friends, we're here to win

Alex: *Uncertain* Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh...

Cuts to single confessionals

Scarlett: I'm honestly relived that one of the other teams left the alliance. I only joined one with Emma and Kitty in the first place, because Alex seems to enjoy their company, god knows why.

Cuts to another

Alex: *Sighs* Scarlett's probably gonna kill me for this, but... I'm going to at least try and get Emma and Noah back together. But if she does kill me, Mom, don't let Eric have my room.


"Get us to the airport NOW!" Scarlett screamed at the cab driver, who sped towards the airport. They got their tickets and waited for the plane.

Kitty noticed Noah was still frozen in shock and sadness.

"We've got to get him and Emma back together" she said to Alex.

"I agree one hundred percent" Alex nodded, seeing Noah slide out of the seat he was sitting in. Owen lifted him back into it. "Maybe we should try and reason with Emma, as she still has a functioning brain" he added.

"Yeah. Probably the best idea."

The teams waiting got on the plane.

It took off and Alex quickly got out of his seat and walked towards Emma.

"hey Emma, when are you and Noah getting back together?" Alex asked her, being very straightforward.

"What? I don't know! After the race, if ever!" Emma said.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh, if you don't take Noah back, he and Owen probably won't last much longer" Alex pointed back.

"They'll be fine" Emma said, very sure of herself.

"You sure about that?" Alex said, pointing towards Noah, who was still frozen. "I'm just saying. You guys are a good couple, and this might be your only chance. Don't blow it".

He walked back over to where Scarlett was sitting.

"What were you and Emma talking about?" she asked.

"Just, y'know, how to make it to the final three" Alex lied.

"Hm. Ok." Scarlett said, looking back down at her book.


Alex: I try not to lie to anyone, so lying to Scarlett was difficult

Cuts to another

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