🥐 French is an eiffel language🥐

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Scarlett got a tip "We're going to Paris"

"Which one?" Alex asked, as there are forty eight places called Paris in the world.


"Woo hoo!"

Duel Confessional

Scarlett: *Laughs* Why are you so excited to go to France?

Alex: *Dead serious* Because they have art and bread

Scarlett: *laughs again*


They got on a moped that Alex drove "Hold on" he said, before he started going very very fast.

 "Eat our dust ice dorks!" Scarlett yelled to Jaques and Jose. Alex smiled. 

They arrived at the airport and quickly got tickets for the next flight. They sat to wait. The ice dancers sat opposite them.

"Thought you lost us, eh?" Jaques said.

Scarlett calmly took out her book and Alex put his headphones on.

"Touchy" Jose said. 

Duel confessional

Alex: I'm starting to hate those ice dancers. 

Scarlett: You're only starting to hate them now?


They arrived in Paris and got a cab to the Eiffel tower. They got out of the cab and got a tip. "Whoever didn't eat the stew in Morroco has to draw a caricature of their partner" Alex read.

Scarlett facepalmed "Seriously?". She sighed before grabbing a sketchpad and pencil "get comfortable, this is being done right the first time".

She drew, trying to make it realistic. "Are you done?" Alex asked her after about twenty minutes. "I'm not a good artist like you are Alex, this might take some time." she replied, not looking up.

She drew for about another five minutes. "You do know caricatures don't have to be realistic, right?" Alex asked cautiously.

Scarlett facepalmed again. "How did I forget that?" she asked the universe, before adding more to her picture. "Done. Finally.".

She gave it to the judge, who approved it. 

Duel confessional

Alex: What did you draw, anyway?

Scarlett: *Quickly* Nothing interesting


Scarlett grabbed a tip. "Go down down down, find the cheese so round where your next tip is found". She decoded it it her mind "Catacombs! let's go!"

They went over to the entrance "Um, are you sure this is safe?" Alex asked nervously. "Not a clue, now let's just go" Scarlett replied.

They went into the catacombs. It was dark, and full of death.

"This place is creepy." Alex said, seeing the skeletons. 

"That's probably why they made it the location, Alex." Scarlett said. Owen ran out of a random tunnel. 


"Ummmmm" Scarlett and Alex both said.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Owen screamed, running away

Noah walked out of the tunnel. "What's even more wrong with him than usual?" Scarlett asked him.

"Owen hasn't y'know, 'gone' since he ate that crazy stew in Morocco, so... we knew this moment would come, we just didn't know when-" Noah said

"Ew!" Scarlett yelled

"Too much info!" Alex added.

"Let's go before we lose our precious braincells" Scarlett said, grabbing his hand. They both left through one of the tunnels, onto a platform full of cheese.

"Well, if it isn't the smiling silvertons" MacAurthur said to the ice dancers who were on the platform as well.

"Bronze actually" Scarlett said haughtily, walking past Jose and Jaques.

Jose's eye twitched. She kicked over a stack of cheese "I HATE BRONZE!" she screamed. Jaques read the tip.

"Take the cheese and sail away to where Mona Lisa's on display" he read.

"the Lourve!" Sanders yelled. 

Jaques and Jose tossed a cheese wheel into the water then jumped on "Bub bye! You stink worst than this cheese float!" Jose taunted

"To bad you forgot your oars!" Alex yelled back. 

Duel Confessional

Scarlett and Alex: *Laughs hysterically* Losers!


The Cadets and Brainiacs both got their cheese wheels in the water and started rowing. 

They reached the dock at the same time. The ice dancers where right behind them. They pushed their cheese wheels onto the dock and started pushing them towards the chill zone. 

"Cadets, you're in first Brainiacs in second. Ice dancers third" Don said.

"What? You don't hear victory music? Probably because you didn't win!" macAurthur taunted the ice dancers.

Duel Confessional

Scarlett: Hmmmm, it's good that we improved, but we still need to win this stupid game. I am going to chew up those cadets like a bagel

*Cuts to single confessional*

Alex: Sometimes Scarlett scares me


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