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The whine of the bright yellow Mercedes Benz could be heard from afar. You would never be able to miss the engine of this vehicle and you were always impressed when its driver, Choi Yeonjun, brought it to a stop in the middle of the university courtyard.

The sun made the yellow paint shine and gave it a certain freshness.

Of course, people gawked as they do every day when the three youngsters got out of the car, leaving their chauffeur behind for the time being. The latter had to press the gas once more to park the car around the corner.

While Choi Beomgyu, Huening Kai and Kang Taehyun strolled in the direction of the entrance, they were not spared from the many curious eyes.

But how could they have missed this clique?

Briefly, the three stopped at the row of shorn bushes, looked at each other through their sunglasses, and seemed to be having a conversation.

Taehyun, who was the only one not wearing sunglasses but his vision goggles, looked from one to the other. The second youngest followed the conversation of the two with a lack of interest.

Another rumbling noise sounded as Choi Soobin also turned into the driveway on his black motorcycle. He immediately parked the vehicle next to the numerous bicycles and mopeds and dismounted. He tucked his shiny white helmet under his arm, slung his backpack around his shoulder and trudged over to his friends who were already waiting for him. "Well?" grinned Soobin immediately, earning only a friendly nod and a handshake from Kai. "Fit again?" he added at that, looking at his friends who looked more or less worn out from the last party.

Their expressions were less pleased and their posture drained.

It was one of the smaller parties that had taken place in Yeonjun's big, splendid house. Many young people from the university as well as from other student districts had been present again to cheer the weekend. Most students needed just that: a time off.

A time when they didn't have to think about anything, had no worries, and could just party.

That's exactly why Yeonjun and Beomgyu did these parties, because they knew how much their peers needed these nights. So every Saturday, either Yeonjun's or Beomgyu's mansion would host parties that would get out of hand every now and then.

But these littler ones were still within bounds, not like their legendary birthday celebrations in September.

"As you take it," Beomgyu grumbled in a dark, tired voice, once again moving his sunglasses closer to the bone of his nose. The black-haired man had to struggle to keep himself upright, preferring to stay at home.

"I don't think my hangover will ever leave me again," Kai whined, crossing his arms in front of his still aching stomach.

"You always have to overdo it," Taehyun said reproachfully, seeming the most animated of everyone else. Almost as if he hadn't been at the party at all. As if he had slept a whole weekend instead and thus rested completely. Yet, as usual, only Sunday was available to sleep off his drunkenness.

✔ 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now