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Even though Beomgyu really didn't feel like going on this double date, he was still impressed with the choice of restaurant

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Even though Beomgyu really didn't feel like going on this double date, he was still impressed with the choice of restaurant. One thing he really had to hand it to his best friend, Yeonjun possessed excellent taste when it came to the perfect first date. After all, Flavors restaurant belonged to the upscale cuisine in Seoul, with a dining area that already resembled a soccer field. The benches and chairs at the tables were made of the finest beige leather. The colors of the room were kept in warm brown, white and beige, while the lights reflected a soft orange color, giving off a cozy feeling. All in all, you could immediately tell at first glance that this was one hell of an expensive restaurant. And even though Beomgyu was fascinated by this establishment, he didn't let it show.

After all, the fact that he had to survive a double date together with Yeonjun broke his spirits so low that a basement resembled the very last floor of a skyscraper.

Together with the girls Jihyo and Seulgi, the four young people sat at a table and had just finished the first course. But the dishes were still piling up in front of them and didn't seem to be getting any less. Beomgyu's date, Jihyo, didn't seem to have eaten enough either, because she kept silently reaching for the next piece with her chopstick and thus avoided taking part in any conversation.

This was only right for Beomgyu.

Jihyo had really dressed up for the date. Her blonde, shoulder-length hair lay open and in slight waves over her shoulders, only the left side she had brushed behind her ear during the meal. Her blouse was a similar brownish color to the restaurant and blended in beautifully. In the same coloration, she wore a beret on her head and her skirt was just a shade darker and with a white plaid pattern in it.

Her friend Seulgi, and Yeonjun's date, on the other hand, wore a white thin turtleneck sweater and a yellow strap dress over it. Her dark brown hair ran in a straight line down her back, thus the pink tips could not be seen, but even if they could not be seen, Beomgyu was bothered by this awkward color combination.

At least the girls had matched each other in color more than the boys had.

Beomgyu wore a dark hoodie with a white hood and equally black pants. He wanted to look stylish for the date, yet he wanted to show off his current mood well. And he found that he had hit the mark with that.

In contrast, Yeonjun had been more comfortable with a black leather jacket. His sweater was white in base color, but the black words spread massively across the fabric made for a whimsical first impression. In his typical casual getup, the brown-haired man had his long legs stuffed into light blue jeans. Still, with his gold wristwatch, four rings, and delicately framed large glasses, he made a rather more imposing impression, and Beomgyu was sure that he had created just that impression on his date, as she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

Ever since they had met at the mall and then gone to the restaurant together, she had been unable to contain herself.

She literally stared holes into Yeonjun's stomach.

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