Hobi - Baby wants to nurse?

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"Hobi baby? Time to wake up pumpkin..." Jin mumbled, stroking his baby's hair softly to wake him up.

Hobi grumbled, turning over and burying his face in his hyungies lap.

He was sucking his thumb which was a bit odd, but Jin payed no mind to it as he rubbed his back.

"C'mon honey, we've got things to do today hmm?" He tried to coax the younger up, but to his surprise, Hobi's face crumpled, and he started to cry.

"Baby? Oh whats wrong pumpkin?" He hoisted Hobi up into his lap, letting his head on his shoulder and patting his bum to soothe him.

Hobi's tears were reduced to sniffles as he began sucking his thumb again.

"Hobi sweetheart? Can you talk to me?" He asked gently, Hobi didn't even acknowledge him, just suckling on his thumb.

Jin looked at him weirdly for a moment, before it dawned on him what was happening.

He patted his back, before going to the closet and grabbing a clean and unopened paci.

He presented it to Hobi who smiled cutely, reaching his hands out to it with his mouth open.

Jin smiled softly, endeared by this new side of their little as he slipped the pacifier into his mouth, watching as his baby immediately calmed down, laying his head on his hyungies shoulder.

"Jin-hyung? Is Hobi up? He needs to eat before we leave" Yoongi came in and saw Hobi sucking on a paci, he looked at Jin confused.

"Yoongichi, he's in Babyspace..." Jin mumbled, he looked absolutely smitten with the baby.

Yoongi chuckled, they had been wondering if Hobi would ever slip younger, and had things ready for him just in case.

So they weren't too surprised, and certainly not unprepared.

Yoongi left Jin with him as he went to go tell the other members the good news, and prevent Jimin from having a heart attack.

Jin started mumbling softly to Hobi, making him giggle behind his paci as he laid him down on the bed.

He was still in his big clothes, so Jin dug out a diaper and a onesie from a drawer, making his baby more comfortable.

Hobi just chewed on his toes, not minding at all when a paci clip was attached to his onesie, and some cute thigh-high socks were put on him to keep him warm.

"Come on then babyboy, lets get you some food in that tummy hmm?" He tickled Hobi's tummy, making him squirm and giggle as they made their way downstairs.

When they entered the living room, six pairs of eyes landed on them, shining.

Baby Hobi obviously became shy, and buried his face into his hyungies neck, kicking his legs as a way of communicating.

"Yah, don't startle him, he's shy" Jin chided the members quietly as he set Hobi down next to a few toys, Jimin sitting down next to him with his hand clutching his chest.

Hobi's eyes sparkled seeing toys, and he picked up a foam block, presenting to the group who all oohed and aahed, making him squeal happily.

Jimin fell backwards pretending to have a heart attack as the baby began banging the blocks together, seemingly entertaining himself.

The members were all endeared by him, and they watched him as Jin prepared a bottle, as he most certainly would not eat real food when he was this little.

He heard squeals and laughs from the living room, and smiled to himself as he shook the bottle, testing the temperature before taking it to his baby.

He sat down on the sofa, watching as Hobi crawled over with a smile, reaching his hands up to his Jinnie hyungie.

"There's my baby, come to hyungie..." he picked hobi up, cradling him in his arms and taking his paci away, replacing it with the bottle before he could fuss.

He suckled on the bottle happily for a while, but began to get restless, pushing it away and beginning to squirm.

"What is it pumpkin, what's the matter?" Jin sat him up, watching as he clinged to him, his head on his chest.

The members looked, puzzled, as Jin spent some time comforting Hobi.

"Oh... Jin-hyung, I think I know what Hobi wants, but the rest of us should leave" Namjoon signalled to to the other members, and they all filed out as Namjoon turned to Jin.

"Hyung... I think he wants to nurse... from you" Namjoon said quietly, Jin flushed pink and Namjoon patted his shoulder before leaving.

Jin looked down at Hobi, who was pouting up at him, his lip trembling and his eyes welling up.

Jin sighed and reached up to take his shirt off, the baby immediately burried himself against Jins bare chest, making Jin smile.

Hobi seemed hesitant so his hyungie put his hand on the back of his head, gently guiding him to his nipple to nurse.

His baby happily nursed from him, finally sated as he seemed to fall asleep.

Jin smiled, stroking his back to soothe him, this littler Hobi was going to fit very well into their lives.

A/N: Sorry this took so long! I'm trying to make all my imagines longer so they're more worth reading ^^

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