Y/N - Clingy

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"Yoongi-chi can you make dinner? I can't put Y/N down or she cries!" Jin called out, bouncing their baby on his knee to keep her calm.

She was extremely clingy today, and didn't want to let go of Jin for anything.

When he went to the bathroom, he left her with Namjoon for what could only have been 5 minutes and she was screaming and crying like she had fallen from a building.

When he came out she was sobbing so hard she nearly threw up, and he just had to keep holding her.

She just cuddled into him, not making any moves to play with her toys, just wanting to cuddle her Jinnie-oppa.

"Yes hyung, of course hyung, right away hyung..." Yoongi mumbled, laughing to himself when Jin slapped his ass as he went past.

Yoongi went into the kitchen, just making some simple kimchi fried rice so he didn't have to stand there for ages.

Jin sat down on the sofa, the clingy baby relaxing into him and sucking on her paci sadly.

Jin was thoughtful, he was obviously thinking about what could've made their baby so sad.

He would need to have a talk with her when she eventually came out of littlespace.

She never stayed under for more than a day and they expected her to be up after dinner.

She was starting to show signs of it now, looking more alert and beginning to reject the paci.

Jin took it and put it away, it was time to eat anyway and she would be big soon.

"Cmon honey, time for some food, then I think me and big Y/N need to have a chat..."

She didn't reply, sitting down at the table and eating silently, using her knife and fork like normal so she was obviously big now.

Jin let her finish her dinner, just talking with the other members who were all inhaling the food like they hadn't eaten in days.

Jin rolled his eyes, instructing the maknaes to clear up while he led Y/N away somewhere quiet, not wanting to overwhelm her.

She followed him, sitting down on his lap as he held her waist, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead, now as one of her boyfriends instead of her daddy.

"What's wrong with you today my love? You were so sad during little space, do you wanna talk about it?" She shook her head, just burying into his shoulder and playing with his hair.

"Work was really bad this week, and when I came home on Friday and I wanted to cuddle you were all busy..." she mumbled.

Jin rubbed her back as he hummed for her to go on, "I just felt like you only wanted to cuddle when I was little, so I slipped, and you cuddled me, so I didn't wanna let you go..." she sniffled, very saddened by the whole situation.

Jin sighed, he knew what she was talking about, she came in and asked each of them individually to cuddle, but everyone including him just happened to be doing something, and they brushed her off thinking nothing of it.

"I'm so sorry baby, we should've given you attention and I'm sorry you thought we only liked to cuddle you when you're little, we love you little or not" he said, kissing her cheek, the other members all hummed and she turned around to see they had all been sitting there and listening.

She blushed, turning to bury her face back into Jins neck.

They all chuckled, and Jin looked at the clock on the wall.

"I think we're all about ready for bed now, you wanna sleep in the big bed with everyone?" He asked her gently.

She nodded, and they all went to sleep in Jins huge king size bed, with Y/N cuddled right in the middle of all seven of them.

A/N: Finally updated this Jesus, don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! Backup acc: hoseokkphile

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